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Norfolk Isl Kings

dave nagy

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Just before I was about to head into the Consumer Trades & Tenancy Tribunal to try to get money out of a pest inspector for a dodgy termite inspection the he done that I got stiffed the repaired bill for.

My loving brother rand on he’s way back in from a days out and asked what im up to.

Didn’t take me long to figure out that he had been out fishing and I said you bastard.

He then proceeded to tell be that they had got 16 kingies in the 10-20 KG range jigging and a whole bin of sweet lip. THAT BASTARD

He sent the pics to post and in the email, and I quote

“13 hours of hard slog, now gotta get a good nights rest cos we're dooin it again tommora”

Not to sure but did I say


Not bad

In some of the pics you can see Norfolk Isl in the back round

What a crazy way to launch a boat.

He said "Thay left them bitting and on the way home they saw a massive school of birds proberly working tuna but none of them could move there arms and thay had to clean the fish still."

98 Kg of fillets





















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Its all for food, even in the reasturants. Thay dont import fish so when the weather is good, the whole isl. goes fushen.

Not a bad lifestyle if you ask me

Good wather, gotta go fushen

When i was single i could do that!

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Its all for food, even in the reasturants. Thay dont import fish so when the weather is good, the whole isl. goes fushen.

Not a bad lifestyle if you ask me

Good wather, gotta go fushen

When i was single i could do that!

sensational stuff!...a norfolk island fish fry :yahoo: they do a great batter also..there must be a bit

of brewery ingredients in that mix......drank a @#$#load of beer and smashed everthing fishy...

just dont fall off them bloody big cliffs or no more fushen! :1prop:


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G Day Anth

Long time no run into.

I was down last week end working on the boat (as usual), then decided to take it for a spin. I ran into Gleno on his way to Botany Bay with his old boy, then I came back to the marina and was following Gav in his new 28 Berty. His back from QLD for good. Neil was hanging around. Singo was out in his ski boat. Almost like the good old days just with a lot less beer.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge now, since those days.

I Bumped into old Johny a couple of years back, He was just the same, just a little older. Dirko said he saw old Johny not that long ago and he is still kicken on

You will have to dust your beast of for summer and come and have a beer.

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Will Do, Mate.

Ahh to be down on the fuel wharf on a Friday night with the old crew.

Good to hear old Johnny is still ok. Been meaning to catch up with Gleno too.

Funny you should mention the old beast. I'm waiting on Tony to wake her from her slumber. Work and family took over and I stopped using her. You know how it is with boats kept on saltwater "use it or loose it" The amount of work that needs to be done is a worry though.

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