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What's Worse Than Forgetting Your Gear?

Mondo Rock

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Hi Raiders

I was doing some exploring yesterday arvo (in-between the torrential rain) and ended up wandering around the Cape Banks area with a backpack, stopping every now and then to do some exploratory lure-flicking for squid and pelagics.

There wasn't much action on the other end of the line (none, to be precise) but then at about 5:30 the fabled salmon schools started erupting about 200 metres out into the mouth of Botany Bay. I knew one of the schools would eventually stray within casting distance so I quickly pulled out the lure box and started looking for the small metal slices.

Disatser - in my absent-mindedness during packing the bag I had forgotten to check that the small slices were in there and all I had were big poppers and a really big pink slice. :1badmood: "What could be worse?" I thought - here I was with salmon erupting around me and I don't have the gear I need to catch them. Sure enough a school got close enough for a few casts but they weren't interested in my blooping poppers or the large pink submarine. I'd say my lures were about 10 times too big for tempting those guys. The schools eventually sounded and it was over.

But there was one more lesson to be learned. As I packed up to head home I answered my own question about what could be worse than forgetting the gear you need. I moved a bag of sinkers in one of my boxes to create some space and there, sitting innocently underneath, were all my small metal slices.

Thinking you've forgotten your gear when you haven't, but not realising until it's too late, is worse. Definitely worse.

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I did it earlier this year.

The bonnies were off avoca and I'd caught 4 or 5 and lost 2 lures in 2 casts by being busted off.

Went home to get more slices and couldn't find them.

Had a good look in my bag and they were there, Bloody spewin'.

Cheers 007

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Bad luck Mondo!! I'd be spewing too!! :1badmood:

hehe I am sure that is why I have so much tackle/lures lying around in the garage - if I ever get around to tidying it up, I could open a tackle shop! :1yikes: ...... usually, if I cant find the lure or line or tackle that I want (and know I have SOMEWHERE) it is just easier to go out & buy another one! Luckily, we don't have kids, so our 'expendable' $$ can be used on our hobbies! :biggrin2:



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What a Bugger , Oh well there is always next time ! When I was about 10 or 12 my dad used to take me rock fishing one day we catching mac tuna for a bit of fun but ended up losing our few metals we had taken and so my old man just pulled out the barrel sinkers from his tackle box rubbed them against the rocks for a minute until they were shiny and put his line streight through and tied a treble on the back . It worked really well and i have done this many times as a poor youngster or when I too had no metals with me .


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I hate it when :05:

Yesterday i pulled my boat out of the water in broklin on the hawkspry, i was in a rush and a in a panic because i had to get the boat to my dealer by 4;30 before it closes, and it was 4;15, And I had to complexly strip down the boat with in 6 minutes. I was picking up every thing that was not nailed down and chucking it in the back of the car, after I striped the boat down i finally when’t to to get my rod's out, as i was picking up my really expensive rod off the floor of the boat i noticed that it was stuck, so quite stupidly I yanked at it and it would not come free then i notice that the life jacket compartment door was closed on top of the tip, and when i open it, it was completely snapped off.

And that was a $140 rod, But i got it fixed free of charge so i got lucky that time.

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