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Favourite Fishing Water


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I'm having one of those weeks where I'm dreaming about fishing because I can't actually get out :1badmood:

Had me thinking about what my favourite bit of water, anywhere, is for fishing. For me it's no contest... I've been lucky enough to fish in some amazing places for some great fish using all sorts of fishing styles but there's one place that will live with me forever...


Lake Botsford on a perfect day

Lake Botsford in the Western Lakes district of Tasmania. The polaroiding for wild brown and rainbow trout in summer is just mind blowing... I caught my first decent wild trout there as a teenager and many of my most memorable moments have come from there.


My first really good wild Brown... on a 70's style black and copper Smith's lure

Don't get me wrong, these fish are really hard to catch, but if I had one day left to fish on earth and could choose anywhere to do it... give me a blue sky day with a light breeze on Botsford, a 6wt fly rod, and a handful of Red Tags, Great Lake Beetles, Jacob's Duns and Olive Nymphs... and I could die happy

Where would you fish if you only had one day?

Cheers, Slinky

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:074: geez slinky you sure thats you in those pics.lol.where would i fish if i had 1 day left to fish?thats a hard 1.iv been pretty limited in my fishing travels & have only fish around sydney,woolongong,nelson bay & darwin once 10yrs ago where my uncle lives.

my dream place would have to be in the north of wa somewhere,kimberlys maybe.followed closely in 2nd would have to be fnq.so much to choose from.estuary,inshore sportfishing,to offshore gamefishing.just soooo many great places to fish in our great country we call australia!!!!!!!!!

:beersmile: cheers johnny, :1fishing1:

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I would have to say Narooma.... :thumbup:

Caught my first Kingie, Bonitto and most importantly my first MARLIN (out past Montague Island) down there. But i also love finshing in the Wagonga Inlet for the flatties down there also!

Come on April!!!

Also has a great Pub "O'Briens Hotel- Million Dollar Views" ;) and the Golf course (front 9 only, not that i can play) :D



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Gee Slinky - that's a tough one!

I reckon I'd want to go over to the Kimberly and be on that Mothership & chase those big barra that are up thru that tiny hole in the rocks where the tide rushes out a million miles an hour!! Saw a Malcom Douglas Doco on it once & it looked terrific!!


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I'm still finding many great spots over here. Like the harbour, pittwater and offshore which are all relatively new to me.(been here 4 yrs)

But if I died 2mrw, I would want my ashes scattered in Lake Vyrnwy in North Wales. Caught my first trout in there on fly when i was 7 with my late father and grandfather. It will always be special 2 me.

Tho burley was not allowed there last time i was there, so they won't want my ashes :074:


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I'd want to go back to Harrington Beach and fish for Jewies, my Grandfather got a 60lb model that ran him from the breakwall @ harrington almost to crowdy headland on 12lb mono with his bro in law chasing him in a 4wd egginh him on, now thats the legendary stuff I dream of!

Fish took a live beach worm on a 1/0 suicide hook

Other spots would include Killcare Beach, Shoalhaven heads offshore with my mate Roy and in the Bay of Plenty in NZ for monster Red's and Kingies

All salt for me nothing better than sittin on the beach with a coupla rod holders and an esky full of beers.

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That is a tuff one as I have lived on both sides of our wonderful land. For now it the area I call home and my fishing skills are improving with age and my photography is on a different matter and it use to be focussed on surf more than anything. Plus photography has changed since the advent of digital and the cost of developing a roll of film for one really good shot is gone. Back to the subject of fishing and seeing I enjoy a wide range of fishing it makes the queston even harder, so I have added a few under different areas.


sunrise lure rock to gutter, yamba


upper reaches, clarence


low-tide rock bar (mobile phone shot)


collis wall, sunset & cane fire

That is why to find a particular spot is hard and I wish I could use some of the memories en-beaded in my head like a digital because they are probably the most special. I hope others ad theirs even if they done it before as their enjoy-able to look at and I don,t waste money on fishing mags any more and don,t miss their some-times straight forward lies

P.S. the rock area misses out due to them having to many pixels or something.

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Tough question, Tony :biggrin2:

I had a dozen fantastic fresh and saltwater options occur to me while reading the other responses, and I realised I would hate to have to make this choice one day! Memories of chucking spinnerbaits at hungry Cod in Vic, chasing bass in QLD impoundments, and luring Barra in the NT all came flooding back.

I guess my 'one off' opportunity would have to be something that I have wanted to do for many years now, but never have: chasing black bass. A quick trip overseas with some good mates, fine weather, cold beer and active fish, and it wouldn't get much better for me :thumbup:



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I would have to say Narooma.... :thumbup:

Caught my first Kingie, Bonitto and most importantly my first MARLIN (out past Montague Island) down there. But i also love finshing in the Wagonga Inlet for the flatties down there also!

Come on April!!!

Also has a great Pub "O'Briens Hotel- Million Dollar Views" ;) and the Golf course (front 9 only, not that i can play) :D



Great to hear Anroco, I am heading down to Narooma thurs 5th Nov to play in the open golf tournament, have had a look on google & thought the inlet looked like flatty heaven, hope you are right.


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No doubt it would be back up in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Either running around in small boats chasing the longtails or trolling for spanish and cobia and then going for walks on the beach with polaroids on casting at the goldens and whatever else was out there. Simply incredible fishing.

Or out on the Windara Bank off Brunswick Heads getting spooled by wahoo on light line.

Both are priceless.

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Or out on the Windara Bank off Brunswick Heads getting spooled by wahoo on light line.

Mmmm, Windara Bank. I've never fished it but we are making plans for a fish there over the summer. Possibly an overnighter in my mates barcrusher.

Can't wait. :biggrin2:



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As soon as the waters nice and blue and clear the windara will fire up. I have caught wahoo there from December through to May. Never got anything under 20 kgs. Fished it on my cc and on with Mono when he ran charters. Normally best in the arvo going late arvo, though have got them early on in the day in glass out conditions. Heaps of double hookups and triple hookups. Also pulled big cobia there but they can pop up any where. Always started slow trolling livies (slimies) and then go over to the halco laser pro 190 2 meter in gold colour. With the livies sometimes the hoo will school up right under the boat and it is like sight casting to them.

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