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First Session After Exams


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Hey all,

After a very long semester, I was out on the water on saturday, the day after my last exam.

The weather was fantastic and so was the fishing. Fishing Sydney Harbour I managed:

- 2 salmon (of around 2kg)

- Around 15 kingies (lost count)

- Assortment of reefies

All fish were released except the one kingie pictured below. It was a personal best for me measuring in at 114cm and 14kg. It was a fantastic fight that lasted about 10 mins running some serious drag on a 50lb outfit. Doing everying from controlling the boat to the gaff shot was an interesting task being alone in a tinnie, but a hell of a lot of fun.

What a fantastic way to start the holidays!!!!




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NIce King!

What did you get it on, lure or livey?

No better way than fishing to turn the mind off more serious things in life and then to celebrate with a cracker like that! Doesn't get much better......


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That is a brute hoodie, from the sounds of things there is quite a few hoodies swimming around at the moment, this is season looks to be shaping up nicely!!!!

Well done on the beast, that is an awsome fish.



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Hey FM,

What exams did you just finish? Fish psychology? Or was it solo fishing 101 ?

Helluva kingie for a one-man-band. Did you find yourself doing a 360 around yourself like the exorcist? I take my hat off to you. Tell you what, how about you give us a story-version of the events to give others on the site an insight as to how tricky it is to catch anything with a bit of fight on your own. I too fish alone and when I get a couple of nice trevs get on at once, there is more than a little tapdancing going on....


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Thanks to all for the positive feedback!

The majority of the other kingies were rats but there were some fish that were legal mixed amongst them. These little guys are so agressive they usually are first onto the baits.

When i hooked up i was quite sure it was a solid fish, probably in the 70 or 80cm bracket. After about 5 minutes i knew it was a big fish (probably over that magic metre mark i was yet to crack) and was praying it didn't find any structure. By this stage i knew every inch was important and worked hard to regain line when the fish took a break after a run. The star drag on my saltist reel was completely locked and i had wedged myself between the back bench of the tinnie and the transom so i could be most secure when exerting maximum pressure on the fish. It was a great fight and i am very pleased that all my knots and tackle held together.

When the fish was near the boat i was very nervous as this is where many big fish are lost. I had two missed gaff shots due to nerves and (by this time) a bit of fatigue from holding the rod in one arm and trying to line up the gaff.

Got the gaff in and pulled him over the back of the boat. Now i am not sure if the following occurred when being dragged over the back of the boat or from the action of the fish but upon hitting the deck the hook came out. Upon inspection it was apparent that the barb of the hook had been snapped. I was very glad this happened in the boat and not out of it!!!

My advice to anyone fishing solo is to have a clear deck and have all equipment (such as gaffs, pliers etc) ready to be used and in a place that all you have to do is simply pick it up.

It was an amazing experience. After putting so many hours into so many spots and having more than a fair shair of king-fishless days, to land a fish of this calibre from Sydney was a dream. I just hope it becomes more of an occurance now with the restrictions on commercial fishing!!



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Hey Andrew,

Ive been out there with you fishing and when the kingfish came through, you always new how to hook onto the bigger models.

Its a wonderful achievement from Sydney Harbour and may there be plenty more times like that and may i one day experience it.

All the best and what a fish.


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