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Brooklyn Jew


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hi raiders,

went to brooklyn this afternoon for a jew session expecting to be fishing well into the night but came home early very happy indeed!

Arrived near the top of the tide about 4.30 and went to my favorite mullet spot for some fresh bait, the plan was to use fresh mullet slabs and some shop bought squid. After an hour or so I had managed 5 mullet and 2 garfish so I headed to one of my favorite jew spots. When I arrived I noticed that 2 of the mullet were still breathing even though they had just been chucked into a bucket so a decision was made to put one out live. I reckon it was in the water all of about 2mins when whack whack on the rod. I knew it wasnt a jew by the way it was biting but I felt it probably was something half decent to be harassing the mullet so I picked the rod up and struck hard and a few mins later this nice lizard hit the deck 64cm! oh yeah what a start but little did i know the best was yet to come!


The mullet was still on the trace line and badly mauled but alive (just) so I decided to pin a small hook into its mouth and drop it over the back of the boat on the surface to let the tide push water over its gills in the hope it would revive a bit and the only other live mullet left was quickly pinned and thrown out. After about 1/2 hour whack whack again and i suspected another half decent flathead so I once again picked up the rod and struck but this time I came up empty! so by this time the mullet that caught the flathead for me had got its second wind even though half its scales were missing and was wearing a few scars so out it went again!

About 1/2 hour before dark I decided to check the lights and make sure all was working properly and I had forgotten about the rods in the rod holders lost in my own little world of consentration when I very quickly jerked back to reality to the sound of ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Something had nailed the live mullet and was taking 30lb braid with the drag set to fight a fish at a great rate of knots. I very quickly grabbed the rod and struck hard and came up solid on what was obviously a very good fish. It powered off for about 50mtrs with a big head shaking run. At one stage I thought about lifting the anchor as it was heading towards a navigation pole and I had thoughts of losing it around the pole but thankfully it turned and swam out wide for several minutes then eventually came tired and beaten and I was able to gaff it and heave it into the boat

it hit the scales at 10.5kg or about 24lb not my biggest but not far of it I was stoked.




I fished for about 1/2 hour with fillets after that but was happy to leave with what I had so I headed back to the ramp where a nice guy who was there with his girlfriend kindly took a couple of shots for me. When i was about to leave this little bloke was hanging around my car and came straight over for a feed and a pat !post-8689-1259066688_thumb.jpg post-8689-1259066724_thumb.jpgawesome way to end the day!


Edited by swordfisherman
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:1yikes::thumbup: Well Done Pete gee I wish I came out with you!!!!!

Nice Flattie and that's one hell of a jew... Congrats to you!!!!

I'm armed with fresh squid so I might have to have a crack at Jew but it will have to be land based....

Congratulations to you once again especially after your mate landed one and now you have one of your own

and you got home early!!!!!


Nathan :thumbup:

gday nathan, I had a feeling you wished you had come! oh well there is always next time.


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Well done Peter, good jew that one :thumbup: I'm sure that it won't be long before you catch your personal best up there Pete and don't be surprised if you strike really big mulloway at your old stomping grounds next time you fish back at Wiseman's ... Sydney has been producing good fishing in general for quite a good while now and, being as dry as it is, those areas way upriver and further are amost guaranteed to produce heaps of big flathead, bream and more than likely there'll be heaps of rays hitting the baits in the day time, and if it turns into an indian summer which is looking quite likely, there should be plenty of flounder among the flathead as has been the case in the past ...

In fact, if it turns out that the areas from Spencer up are going to be anything like they have been in scorching hot summers in previous years and, given what what and we've seen of the good reaction by the many out of season and out of area species in Sydney going off the conditions so far, this summer should see heaps of bait fish and small fish such as baby snapper up near the fresh, and I reckon the Hawkesbury will improve so much that people like yourself who are prepared to go up there and have a go at night will soon be talking really big mulloway....

Nice effort mate


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Well done Peter, good jew that one :thumbup: I'm sure that it won't be long before you catch your personal best up there Pete and don't be surprised if you strike really big mulloway at your old stomping grounds next time you fish back at Wiseman's ... Sydney has been producing good fishing in general for quite a good while now and, being as dry as it is, those areas way upriver and further are amost guaranteed to produce heaps of big flathead, bream and more than likely there'll be heaps of rays hitting the baits in the day time, and if it turns into an indian summer which is looking quite likely, there should be plenty of flounder among the flathead as has been the case in the past ...

In fact, if it turns out that the areas from Spencer up are going to be anything like they have been in scorching hot summers in previous years and, given what what and we've seen of the good reaction by the many out of season and out of area species in Sydney going off the conditions so far, this summer should see heaps of bait fish and small fish such as baby snapper up near the fresh, and I reckon the Hawkesbury will improve so much that people like yourself who are prepared to go up there and have a go at night will soon be talking really big mulloway....

Nice effort mate


jewgaffer :1fishing1:


It's tantalising tidbits like this and those from Tide'n'Knots that get me excited about learning the mysteries of fishing the Hawkesbury, which is all new territory for me, particularly up around Wisemans, which is likely to be my main stamping ground from now on. I think we'll have to organise a session together so you both can show me the ropes! lol :)

The salt water is certainly reaching further upstream now, with a number of jellyfish up past the Webbs Creek ferry. I spotted large numbers of poddy and large mullet around on the weekend (couldn't get any poddies in the trap though...). A friend had a weekend on a houseboat the weekend before and they had a number of rods out at night. They caught heaps of soapies and some nice lizards (all released as nobody coudl be bothered cleaning them!). One thing he mentioned was that there appeared to be heaps of prawns flicking about the surface at night, plus plenty of mullet and larger fish chasing both. He thought that with that many live prawns active, why would a fish bother eating a dead one?! Makes you wonder...



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What an awesome fish mate. Congrats. Perfect eating size flatty As well.

What kind of mullet were u using? Poddies?

yellow eyed mullet on a 3/0 big red hook pinned just above the head.


Well done Peter, good jew that one :thumbup: I'm sure that it won't be long before you catch your personal best up there Pete and don't be surprised if you strike really big mulloway at your old stomping grounds next time you fish back at Wiseman's ... Sydney has been producing good fishing in general for quite a good while now and, being as dry as it is, those areas way upriver and further are amost guaranteed to produce heaps of big flathead, bream and more than likely there'll be heaps of rays hitting the baits in the day time, and if it turns into an indian summer which is looking quite likely, there should be plenty of flounder among the flathead as has been the case in the past ...

In fact, if it turns out that the areas from Spencer up are going to be anything like they have been in scorching hot summers in previous years and, given what what and we've seen of the good reaction by the many out of season and out of area species in Sydney going off the conditions so far, this summer should see heaps of bait fish and small fish such as baby snapper up near the fresh, and I reckon the Hawkesbury will improve so much that people like yourself who are prepared to go up there and have a go at night will soon be talking really big mulloway....

Nice effort mate


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

gday byron, I remember about 10 or 12 years ago we had a very dry summer and then in may the heavens opened up for a few days and turned the water a chocolate brown. The fishing at the windsock was unbelievable! every bait was a fish and the action was so intense it was simply impossible to fish with more than one rod. Over three trips I caught 3 jew over the 10lb mark and about a dozen between 6 and 10lb as well as lots of very good flathead 4lb to 6lb in wieght and literally hundreds of soapies!


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Great effort, Pete. You're getting me all fired up to get out there, although I'll be up river this weekend and giving the wind sock a go. Fingers crossed.



good luck at the sock you should have no trouble cracking some flatties up there and dont be surprised if there are some jew up that way too!


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