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Sea Sickness Prevention?


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Hey guys,

Im going out wide as a guest on my mates uncles boat in a weeks time and i really want to avoid any sort of sea sickness as i dont want to be a drag on the other guys.

with such a broad amount of knowledge on this iste im sure someone can offer me the best way to avoid turning green.

I have tried the ginger pills but they did nothing last time.

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Hi David, kwell has worked for me all the time but make me a bit drowzee, Im onto et's sea sick tabs now and they are fantastic, you can only get them at BOVA'S Chemest 304 to 318 the kingsway Caringbar phone = 95253044 if you realy want to make sure! Take one the night before and then again one four before heading out, take some with you and your allowed one every four hours, Bovas will give you the best advice.

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Yeah mate Travacalm seem to do it for me, also have a good brekky before you head out. and take a couple big packets of chips, burger rings, twisties, salt n vinegar chips etc. and munch on them every now and then, for me that makes a hugeee difference. some coke and some water aswell, as with the Travacalm i seem to get a real dry mouth.

But keep those stomach acids working, and dont go out on an empty stomach and have a travacalm before going out, and one while out and youll be sweet hopefully!!

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if you're anywhere in the sydney metro area, i'd make a bee line for BOVA's chemist

its the best! it beats any off the shelf meds

i'm really bad with sea sickness, even a floating jetty in canal can get me sick. since using these, i've been in 2m swells and feel like a veteran seaman.

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G'day Dave,

I can recommend the ET stuff from Bova at Carringbah. My brother & a mate both tried it as a last resort after nothing else working including Kwells & Travelcalm & they both had a 10 hour charter on Glenn Hunters boat Billfisher without looking even the slightest bit green. My mate did get a bit drowsy but after contacting Bova they said they'd fine tune the mix to lessen that. So on the basis of first hand experience with 2 guys who can get sick in a bath I'd recommend the ET mix from Bova Pharmacy in Carringbah. And if you can't get down there give them a call & they will post some out overnight. Can't do better than that I recon.


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It all depends on how sea sick you get. If it's not that bad then the travel calm or Kwells will probably do. If it's worse you probably need to see a doctor before going out and getting a prescription for Stemetil or something similar.

The thing to remember is that the over the counter stuff at a pharmacy is relatively weak (making it quite safe) and will never be as effective as the stuff that you need a script from your doctor for (stronger, but more care is needed in the dosage, patient education etc.). That said, there's no point taking the strong stuff if the other works well enough to get you by, that's the old "killing an ant with a sedge hammer" scenario...

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Hi David

I get very sick & for years would not go outside, I found a combination of Kwells & Avill works for me. I take 1 Avill the night before & again an hour before I hit the water also take a Kwell at the same time. I have not been sick since using both of these together.

The Avill will make you drowsy but that is way better the getting sick, I also take ginger beer on the boat as this helps settle the stomach.

Hope this helps, I can think of nothing worst than being seasick.


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two hard boiled eggs in the morning solo lemonade and sao biscuits during the trip dont stop chewing and drink plenty of water, as long as you burp you be fine ,avoid sea sickness conversations i've seen people get sick at the wharf before they even get on the boat from being anxious when you keep yourself busy you never get seasick :1fishing1:

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Hey guys,

Im going out wide as a guest on my mates uncles boat in a weeks time and i really want to avoid any sort of sea sickness as i dont want to be a drag on the other guys.

with such a broad amount of knowledge on this iste im sure someone can offer me the best way to avoid turning green.

I have tried the ginger pills but they did nothing last time.

sit under a tree .only joking take whatever pill you decide on the night before and one as soon as you wake up and get a good nights sleep .

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Welll........ I am too lazy to go look in my MIMS, which is actually in Australia, but having said that, the Generic name of a medication here in US/Canada is called Dimenhydrinate. Brand name is GRAVOL. I think from memory it is called Dramamine in AU, and is prescription, used as an anti-emetic( Nausea/Vomiting), and unfortunately like many similar class meds one common side effect is drowsiness. Great for Insomnia too.

Hope this helps. Sorry but it is 1230 am here, I'm waiting for a patient to get their butt up to the clinic with baby. Could be sleeping.


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