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Jim Bream And The Groper On Sunday

jim bream

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I went out with a good mate today the groper.

Well i promised him we would catch 20 fish and it was looking like we were going to get nothing :thumbdown:. Four hours with one whiting which i caught and the groper looking over at me and saying thats fishing. It was mid tide i was still optimistic that we would still get fish and back to that spot when all else fails and you have probably read this before on previous reports. They just kept coming and coming and coming till we got to 20 fish that i promised him and i saw that smile on his face of satisfaction. Anyway looking like a bad days fishing turned out to be a good days fishing with a blink of the eye. 13 bream 7 whiting and 11 bream that were thrown back which were just on 25 or just under. 2 whooper whiting over 42 cm and a 37cm bream was the highlight of the day. Thanks groper for the patience and the little one that slept all day which i told him you dont watch football when you go fishing, but he still caught something and was happy.

Cheers Jim bream.




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Breams and Gropers fishing for breams and whitings...

Hey Jimmy,

You promised your buddy 20 fish ?

You must have been sweating when after 4 hours you had 1 ?

I certainly would have been !

But you came good in the end - Bravo !

It was certainly tough - my trusted spot let me down and I had to go hunting based on historical data I had. Did you find that brown algal weed was getting on your line?

How deep where you fishing?

Who was wearing those pink thongs in the photo? (You don't have to answer that one).

The whiting are really on at the moment, and during gentlemen's hours too.

Did the NE wind kick you off the water early?

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Hi keflapod

Sorry for the late reply been busy lately.

Me and the groper saw you moving around in the area where the weed was, with that big boat of yours. But you and the jewgaffer are making fishing sound like rocket science when its not. First of all it was pretty simple the bay is not holding any fish and this is why we didnt get any for four hours, when the tide started to run in it takes time for the fish to come through certain areas. Where you are fishing is well off the mark, when fish dont bite in the usual spots on a run in tide they always seem to pop up in one particular area. I knew that the tide didnt reach its peak and getting a couple bream that they were going to come on and there was no need to panic. I think its plain and simple theres nothing complicated about fishing botany bay.

Cheers Jim Bream

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Hi keflapod

Sorry for the late reply been busy lately.

Me and the groper saw you moving around in the area where the weed was, with that big boat of yours. But you and the jewgaffer are making fishing sound like rocket science when its not.

Cheers Jim Bream

I don't believe that any of the replies here are trying to make fishing sound like rocket science. In fact Jewgaffer hasn't made a reply at all yet you feel the need to berate him while Keflapod was simply asking you some very valid questions.

I am not amused. :1badmood: & expect an apolagy in this thread to both these members.



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That's OK - I actually like a good debate.

Fishing is a funny thing. It's called 'the inexact science'.

There are some highly intelligent and experienced fishermen around.

Take Dr David Green in QLD. He looks at things very scientifically, analytically, collects data, analyses it for trends and works out some amazing theories that work like clockwork for a year or two, then Boof! All out the window and can't crack the code for another year or two. Why ? Wasn't it suposed to be simple? What changed? It's hard to know without more fishing and note-taking.

The bay is constantly changing it's underwater geography. Dredging all over the place changes the smell and feel of the water and I believe fish will also change their habits and maybe their movement paths. Not all fish do a lot of moving around, eg the fish in the shallows attain a copper-bronze colour because they end up residing there. Those fish that move a lot over the sand are found in the more current-affected water over the sand and move with the tide as they don't use a lot of energy to do so.

The fish you were targetting were the movers-with-the-tide, and in that style of fishing you must wait until the school swims slowly by and hope you are in their path. The edges of the main weed beds that lead to clear sand are good starting points as the fish will move along these lines, but there are also many other channels in which they pass, channels that contain worm holes, cockle beds, prawns, etc - the fish know them and sometimes we know them too.

Fishing may not be rocket science but it IS a science. If it WAS that easy, then every member will be posting catches like ours every week, wouldn't they? I think that your experience is enormous, and what you know to be common sense is actually knowledge built up over probably 20 years. Not many people have your 'level of common sense'. I have been fishing the bay regularly for about 7 years, (with only 4 rods) and I make a fishing report every time - it's interesting to read over them 2 or 3 years later... and I do see it scientifically because it is....and I hope fishing has some degree of challenge to it, else it will become a bit monotonous.

So are we still on for a coffee at my place with the Groper one day ?

I'll show you my boat if you show me yours.....

Cheers guys.


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