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Lavender Bay On Fire


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Hi Raiders,

Sitting in the office watching lavender bay

The seagulls have been working all day over really big splashes with fish leaving the


I'd say they are either really big tailor or small kings - what ever it is they are feeding on sprats

as they seagulls are getting a feed everytime they surface

I've seen the sprats a few times along the rockwalls in schools of about 500 , they are yakka coloured

but long and thin

And all right in the middle of the no fish zone :1prop:

Them fish is smart!


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yeah the whole harbour is full to the brim of them i went for a fish on my tinny yesterday and they were all the way down to iron cove and all the way back to mort bay, there are small to medium kings and the odd bonnie but mostly tailor, good fun :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just walked past the very northern edge of Lavender Bay on the way to/from lunch - on a new moon's ebb tide (halfway out) and a big northerly blowing ahead of a looming southern change.

On the way over to lunch, I counted 4 blackfish, 2 mullet, 4 garfish and loads of bream, all in the space of about 30meters of each other.

On the way back, same count, and then was surprised by a pack of about 30 decent-sized kingies, coming in right up to the breakwall beside the main water taxi wharf - the water was easily less than a meter deep. They'd chased in some baitfish but lost them due the shallow water becoming filled with silt, but I could see the kingies clear as day. They circled around the wharves for about 5 mintues before heading back out to deeper water. Where was my rod!

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LOL - that's a great line :) And you just know that as fisho's we would gladly use our lunch for bait if we needed to :)

Hope you manage to get into them!


And you just know that as fisho's we would gladly use our lunch for bait if we needed to :)

How true is that :Funny-Post::074:

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