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Harbour And Botany Bay Trip


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HI Raiders

Putting 2 reports in the 1 post.

Trip 1

Hit the harbour on sunday night with my uncle and cousin at about 8.We went to go stock up on some squid for monday mornings kingy session.We managed to catch 12 squid though didnt end up going for any jewies as we didnt think we had enough squid for the morning.

Had a rest for a couple of hours then woke up and headed over to se if the kings ere around,but there werent any feeding underneath the bait schools.

We ended up taking home a few big tailor a nice size bream and 6 leftover squid for another outing.Sorry no pics of this trip.

Trip 2

Woke up at 4.30 am and headed down to Botany bay for a fishing trip had Jeff (plastic-fantastic) and my girlfriends brother come along to..Met Jeff at the boat ramp at about 5.45 and proceeded to find some fish.

The weather report was definately wrong as they presumed 9knot winds when it was more like 19knots,and found the bay pretty choppy.

As we headed out towards the runways Jeff spotted some birds working on the surface,we threw out some metals and softplastics and pulled in a few tailor, most were undersize though had some good fun first thing in the morning.

We then headed to the drums to see if we could pick up any kings on the sounder but there were none.So off to the oil wharf we went.Done a few drifts for some undersize snapper and a legal flatty.

Once the tied changed we went to chase a few flatties.We ended up getting 9 legal flatties a legal flounder and Jeff pulled up a 37cm whiting on a blade.All Fish were caught on lures and was a great day to be out on the water.

Highlight of the day was seeing a school of about 15 kings follow Jeffs pencil popper.

Thanks for the great company guys.Had a great time.

Here are a few pics of the trip






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Great day out on the bay!! :thumbup:

It was different to see the kings in 1m or less water...I thought I would hook up as then were taking some serious looks at the pencil popper but backing out on the last second. Would have been great to hook one up on bream gear see it run like straight out with no way down :1yikes:

Thanks again for the invite Nick and I cant wait for our next trip :biggrin2:


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Great day out on the bay!! :thumbup:

It was different to see the kings in 1m or less water...I thought I would hook up as then were taking some serious looks at the pencil popper but backing out on the last second. Would have been great to hook one up on bream gear see it run like straight out with no way down :1yikes:

Thanks again for the invite Nick and I cant wait for our next trip :biggrin2:


Your welcome will give you a call soon to go again,had an awesome time

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