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Bad Charter Trip - Bottom Bashing 28/12/09


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As some of you might have seen from my post in the trips section I arranged a charter with a well-known sydney operator for some bottom bashing over Christmas. It was actually a 60th birthday present for my father-in-law who was here visiting from the UK for the holidays.

Having checked the weather a few days prior I was quite concerned to see that rain and wind was predicted, as was a 2.8m swell. Sure enough we woke to rain but the water at balmoral (where we were picked up) was flat calm so we thought that was encouraging.

That didn't last long though and by the time we got out of the heads we were crashing straight through the 2-3m swell and into a the rather gusty 25-35kmh winds. The heavens opened too and by the time we were at our first drift none of the 8 fishos on board wanted to step outside. I finally caved and stepped out into torrential rain, braced myself on the bow of the boat to avoid going into the drink, and started fishing. I could hardly open my eyes from the driving rain but had to at least try and fish. A couple of the others came out too and managed a couple of undersized flatty's but there were very few bites so we moved to another mark. A little more fishing there and a few more undersized flatty's and the decision was made to move to a third mark where we got a few more bits and a handful of flatty's on board. I'm not certain where we were as we couldn't see really see land but I think we were five or so miles off bondi

To be honest we were all quite nervous about the conditions and 2 of the 8 fishos on board - including my father in law - wouldn't even come out of the cabin as they were too scared of the conditions. 3 others got really sick (including one of the crew who went and led downstairs) and so after about a total of an hour of fishing we headed back in. The operators made it our decision to go back but I can't say I had too much choice - we weren't catching anything, it was driving rain and we were soaked through, it was so choppy you had to brace constantly, my father in law wouldn't even step outside, and a few of the fishos were really sick.

Between the three people in my party I was the only one to catch a legal fish - a 40cm flatty. We still had to pay the full fee though ($165 each) which makes that just about the most expensive flatty ever caught. I don't know if we should ever have gone out in those conditions and I know it was ultimately a group decision to come back but I do feel ripped off.

A couple of days later I ran into some of the other fishos who were onboard and they were going to complain to the operator. I'm not sure whether I should do the same. The operators were insisting that conditions were pretty typical but I can't comment as I've only ever been out in flat conditions on a large whale-watching boat.

So my first experience of boat fishing wasn't quite what I had hoped. I guess I'm going to have to save my pennies and book another charter - though I think on principle I'll go with another operator next time.


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sorry to hear about your bad charter trip.

I've only ever been on two charter trip, one was very exclusive, only 5 or 6 of us, that was great. There was a similar forcast, operator called the night before, and also on the morning after checking out the conditions before heading out, otherwise he was going to re-schedule. But luckily for us, it was a great day, with heaps of fish caught.

But the second was on a larger boat, probably had 15 on board (only had hand lines to use), and it was a terrible day (rained the whole time), and many people sea sick and no a single keeper caught.

So I guess, even if you go with a charter, there is no guarantee of success.



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Sadly you've just learned an unhappy truth about charter fishing... there are a lot of operators in the industry but only a few good ones.

I'd be surprised if too many Raiders couldn't tell you a similar tale. The only suggestion I'd make is to thoroughly research any charter you plan to take... and that means talking directly to people who've been out with them before.

Good charter operators will work hard to catch you fish. They're successful not just because they get heaps of first timers but because they also build up a lot of regular customers who keep them busy. That only happens if you look after your customers. Just have a look at how many Raiders keep going out with Ross & Glenn Hunter time after time.

No charter can guarantee good fishing or good weather and sometimes even the best operator will have a dud trip but you shouldn't be left feeling like you've been ripped off.

Cheers, Slinky

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That's sounds pretty stink, but you cant blame the conditions or the sea worthiness of the clients, iv'e had a REALY bad charter for more incompentent Reasons (try boat breakin down and no depth sounder) but didnt pay quite that much. Surely you were warned about the weather conditions (if not their bad).Shame you had to find out the hard way on special ocasion. I aint fished With those Hunter boy's But i'm sure they would have seen you right, (somtimes its better to just pull the pin than TRY to be brave hey)

Sorry just noticed i logged in as my son.

Kiwi Waynie

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So, from reading what you've said, you were not told that it might be rough outside when boarding?

Or that the trip could end up a wash?

By the sounds of it the skipper should have at least mentioned the weather was not the best.

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Thanks for all the feedback.

There was no mention that the weather might be a factor before we went out. To be fair when we were picked up from Balmoral there was just a light drizzle and the bay was flat calm. It wasn't until we got near the heads that it got ugly. But they still should have known what the conditions were like outside and warned us.

I had thought I'd gone with a reputable operator and they probably are. I didn't question the amount I was paying at the time because we settled at the boat ramp on return and I was trying to do so subtly to keep the amounts from my in-law (it was his present). Perhaps I should have said something then. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and email them to see what they have to say but I fear I might just have to chalk this up as a bad experience and go with someone else next time.

Amazingly the other guy in my party (who had never fished before) had a great time and despite not catching a thing and getting soaked through can't wait to go out again!!


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I have been on a number of charter boats and have never had an experience like yours.

Most of the charters I have been on look at the weather the night and make a decision well before turning up. The one that I went on that did not made the call early to call the trip off, before reaching outside the heads, and all on board were given a full refund.

Ensuring that you will catch, that is a different matter. I have spent good money not to turn a reel but it was not due to the lack of the operator trying it is just sometimes the fish will not co-operate.

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Sorry to hear of your experience Paul. The operator would have known of the conditions as they all get the conditions report over their radio's. When fishing outside there are more days on the rough side. A lot of people go on charter boats & think it will be like they see on fishing shows. If only they knew how many days it took to shoot that calm looking trip! 30% of my trips outside will see at least one of my crew turning green & that includes myself. They did take you out & used fuel, paid crew wages etc. but you should have been given a discount or the offer of going on another trip at a heavily discounted price.

Regards Jeff

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The number of times ive been out and not turned a reel, either on charter or not, is depressing. Realistically you can't blame the charter guys for giving it a shot for you - average weather or not - although i agree you should have been made aware of the weather conditions prior to passing the heads.

Expecting charter operators to offer discounts for poor fishing is a tough one as consunables such as fuel, bait, tackle etc have been used and need to be replaced, fish or no fish. I can assure you when you own the boat/gear the costs for such a trip exceeds the charter cost you paid and you shouldn't let this experience deter you from having another crack at it.

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As some of you might have seen from my post in the trips section I arranged a charter with a well-known sydney operator for some bottom bashing over Christmas. It was actually a 60th birthday present for my father-in-law who was here visiting from the UK for the holidays.

Having checked the weather a few days prior I was quite concerned to see that rain and wind was predicted, as was a 2.8m swell. Sure enough we woke to rain but the water at balmoral (where we were picked up) was flat calm so we thought that was encouraging.

That didn't last long though and by the time we got out of the heads we were crashing straight through the 2-3m swell and into a the rather gusty 25-35kmh winds. The heavens opened too and by the time we were at our first drift none of the 8 fishos on board wanted to step outside. I finally caved and stepped out into torrential rain, braced myself on the bow of the boat to avoid going into the drink, and started fishing. I could hardly open my eyes from the driving rain but had to at least try and fish. A couple of the others came out too and managed a couple of undersized flatty's but there were very few bites so we moved to another mark. A little more fishing there and a few more undersized flatty's and the decision was made to move to a third mark where we got a few more bits and a handful of flatty's on board. I'm not certain where we were as we couldn't see really see land but I think we were five or so miles off bondi

To be honest we were all quite nervous about the conditions and 2 of the 8 fishos on board - including my father in law - wouldn't even come out of the cabin as they were too scared of the conditions. 3 others got really sick (including one of the crew who went and led downstairs) and so after about a total of an hour of fishing we headed back in. The operators made it our decision to go back but I can't say I had too much choice - we weren't catching anything, it was driving rain and we were soaked through, it was so choppy you had to brace constantly, my father in law wouldn't even step outside, and a few of the fishos were really sick.

Between the three people in my party I was the only one to catch a legal fish - a 40cm flatty. We still had to pay the full fee though ($165 each) which makes that just about the most expensive flatty ever caught. I don't know if we should ever have gone out in those conditions and I know it was ultimately a group decision to come back but I do feel ripped off.

A couple of days later I ran into some of the other fishos who were onboard and they were going to complain to the operator. I'm not sure whether I should do the same. The operators were insisting that conditions were pretty typical but I can't comment as I've only ever been out in flat conditions on a large whale-watching boat.

So my first experience of boat fishing wasn't quite what I had hoped. I guess I'm going to have to save my pennies and book another charter - though I think on principle I'll go with another operator next time.


I sympathise with you. Last year I went on two charters - both game fishing with a few friends - one out of Sydney and the other out of Port Stephens - both times was ripped off - more so on the second trip and both of these charters were supposed to have the best of reputations and extremely well known. I also have to say that I have been a numerous charters around Australia and overseas and they were all excellent. Whilst dissappointed with these two it has put me off. I did voice my concerns on both days with the skipper and said that I would expect a refund/reschedule or discount but was pretty much given the brush. I wrote the opeartors a detailed letter and informed them both that I was intending to take the matter further as I didn't get what I paid for. The threat of going to the Department of Fair Trading got their attention and I recevied a full refund.

I don't have a problem paying but expect to receive what I apy for - that isn't unreasonable. I think sometimes they make poor judgement calls and for some reason don't feel that the fishos are entitled to a refund/reschedule or discount for their errors. Saddly, as in all professions there are the good bad and down right ugly. I just hope that next time it is far more enjoyable for you and your fishing buddies.

best of luck

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I've done quite a few charters and while the lack of fish and poor conditions is not unusual (can't help bad luck), the operators not making the poor conditions clear to you prior to departure definitely is. Generally they will tell you what to expect the night before and again at the boat. If the group decides to bail out, they will reschedule.

I've also had a few trips where my mates were too stupid to bail. We went out, came home early and paid half (one time our skipper didn't even want half...but we insisted).

Bad luck mate.

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Thanks everyone for all of the replies and suggestions of reputable operators. I think they did what they could in terms of putting us on fish so it's just the conditions that I'm annoyed about - or rather that there was no mention before we went out that it might be poor and we were pretty much just told to get on with it. In fact I recall one of the crew saying "you may as well get out there, once you're wet you can't get any wetter"! I do understand that it cost them wages, bait, and fuel though, which is why I didn't make a fuss about paying. So I'm just going to take this one on the chin.

A few of you have been kind enough to offer to take me out on your own boats - that's very generous of you and I might just have to take you up on that. When the wife finally lets me buy my own I'll certainly repay the favour!



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