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A Quick Report


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GDay gang

We have had a week of very strong winds, making it virtually impossible to get on the water. My daughter Christie has been here for the last 10 days and has also endured a nasty 'bug' as well, which has meant very little time on the water. :( My brother Budgie and his family arrived 5 days ago and he's champing at the bit to get into some fish as well. Talk about pressure! :biggrin2:

We hit the water yesterday ... Christie's last day on holidays with us. Head to my favourite flats and greeted by multiple boats fishing (and driving through) the place I wanted to fish. :mad3: Oh well; might as well have a quick look anyway. First cast by Budgie and he is into a crackin' fish! :1yikes: The fish charges off into the weeds then veers across the sand. Budgie wins back some line ... and off she runs again! This went on for a couple of minutes until we finally get a glimpse of her. An estimated 85cm and very broad.

Off she dashes again and everything seems to be travelling okay. The outfit is working nicely (1-3kg Lox Rod and 2000 Daiwa SOL) and Budgie is working the fish very well. And then the unthinkable. The shallow water allows clear vision off her throwing the lure from the side of her mouth ... and she is gone. A sombre 'quiet' falls across the boat. A new PB has slipped through his grasp, and everyone in the boat is feeling disappointed.

Thirty minutes later and we're still lamenting the 'one that got away', when I notice Christie seems to have some weight on her line at the front of the boat.

"Have you got a fish, mate?"

"Yep, but it's just a little one"

"Righto. Let me know if you need the net"

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. It seems the 'little one had been swimming towards her! Christie now has the same predicament as her Uncle. A spirited fish racing around in the shallows! The tension in the boat was palpable. Christie is very quiet and Budgie and I are quietly whispering encouragement whilst fervently hoping her luck would hold. The fish nears the boat and it a fine looking specimen. She charges off again and we're crossing white-knuckled fingers that she will return to the boatside again. The 1-3kg Sic Stick and little Shimano Seido is well and truly up to the task ... and so is Christie.

The fish is fought back to the boat again, and Budgie has the pleasure of sliding the enviro net under a new PB for Christie. At 70cm, it smashes her record by 13cm!



Off she goes

Well, I will finish off there for the time being and let you know how the week finishes up. A huge congrats to Christie on a terrific fish from a proud Dad and Uncle! ;)



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Congratulations Christie on your PB flattie! That is a beautiful fish! :yahoo::thumbup: Well done on getting her in to the boat!

And commiserations to Budgie on his loss! :( What a bummer! It obviously didn't know that you only wanted to take a pic of it & put it back!! :wacko:

Shame about the big winds & lack of fishing time, Ian - we've had a couple of big wind days here, but not that many! Just not many fish! :wacko:



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Another fantastic report again Hodgey! Christie's smile says it all. Nice to see a young lady happy to go and have a fish with her dad and uncle, very rare now days.

All that boat traffic etc. and you can still put them on to big fish, you truly are the master :1worthy:

Pitty about budgies loss, always the next time.

Hopefully see you soon.


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