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Nice Jewie


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8.5 Kg of Hawksbury jewie. Took a butterflied yakka on the bottom of the tide change ~11am on Sunday. Gaffed him myself as I was out solo. A few small flatties but they were lucky as I didn't need the fish they got to swim away. Guess what we are having on the BBQ today :biggrin2:


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How did you get the butterfly to stay on the yakka underwater ? :1prop:

Lovely jewie mate - I haven't got one in a few months now.

Did you have to scramble to get other rods out of the way before you could fight this fish?

Always fun when you're out on your own...

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Hey Keflapod,

I only had 2 rods out so it wasnt a hassle, but I usualy have 3 or 4. Bait was a bit limited this time. Couldnt get any squid from West Head. My main concern was when I had him boatside as I have had fish change direction and the hook pulls because the purchase angle changes. The circle hook was only just caught inside is mouth towards the back of the throat and came out easily when he was on the deck. The second stinger hook was bitten off which was a bit of a mystery. I find its important to tire them out during the fight to minimise any antics at the boatside which will result in a lost fish.

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I took fillets and marinated in olive oil, verjuice, lemon zest and thyme. Sometimes you can so something like fish and only a few guests try it, so I only did ~1kg. Silly me, it was all gone before the lamb chops and there were complaints that I didnt do enough. At least I have the last Kg in the freezer for another feed next week.

Edited by Scienceman
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