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Salmon Frenzy


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Hey Raiders,

Hope you all had a great Australia day I know I did and I learn't something else today... to always follow my instinct!!!!! :mad3:

Anyhow to cut a long story short the Mrs wanted to get out of the house today so I decided on taking them to the Beach Planning on Narrabeen but too many people so we headed north ended up near Palm Beach.

I usually bring a rod in the boot with soft plastics and a selection of lures but not this time decided no fishing today just family day out... I went for a dip in the water Beautiful it was just what the doctor ordered on a hot day like today... I did however notice a few shadows here and there but did not get phased by it.

Got out of the water shortly after to dry off then I hear somebody say Fish!!! I turn around and yeah there was fish honestly hundred's of them swimming into the breaking waves and almost right on the beach the birds went mad and it lasted for about 15 mins by looking at them Id say salmon for sure due to the sheer amount of them and their ability to swim...

I took a couple of photos but you can barely see the fish plus there was a crowd following them so it was hard to get a good shot plus the glare from the sun did not help either but I did manage to find out what they were feeding on White bait as one beached itself on the sand so I took a photo and released it back into the Frenzy...

Next time a rod will travel where ever I go!!!





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Nathan always chuck a small spin rod in, anyway bet ya still had a nice day out,

witnessing a frenzy like that is still good to watch.

Ive always wanted to witness a frenzy allthough the photo does not do it justice at all you can barely make out a couple of them but honestly never seen that much salmon ever and how close they were coming to the sand it was incrediable I think one of my spin rods will stay in my wifes commo permanently!!!!!



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Yeh always good fun to watch anyway. Rule of thumb - when i travel, the rod comes with (even if i'm just going to a mates place :biggrin2: ) I was swimming at Terrigal a few weeks ago and about 10 meters from me, a small school of what i beleived to be salmon began busting up on the surface. Was awesome while it lasted !

Next time mate, next time...

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:05: Dont worry Nathan , at least you stuck to your guns and committed yourself to the family. Therefore next time you want to go for a fish the :wife: cant say a thing.



Yeah I suppose you are right and my little girl had a ball first time on the sand and had a little play in the water too she did not wanna leave so perhaps as she gets older she can tag along go for a dip and I wet a line see what happens!!!! I just hope the next time I'm at a beach the fish are there and my lines in the water!!!!!



Yeh always good fun to watch anyway. Rule of thumb - when i travel, the rod comes with (even if i'm just going to a mates place :biggrin2: ) I was swimming at Terrigal a few weeks ago and about 10 meters from me, a small school of what i beleived to be salmon began busting up on the surface. Was awesome while it lasted !

Next time mate, next time...

Yeah It was mayhem some people were even going in trying to trap the fish hahahaha no way they will catch a salmon they move too quick through the surf the funny thing was there were people still in the wather and the fish were not even bothered by it truly amazing stuff thats for sure...



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Yeah I suppose you are right and my little girl had a ball first time on the sand and had a little play in the water too she did not wanna leave so perhaps as she gets older she can tag along go for a dip and I wet a line see what happens!!!! I just hope the next time I'm at a beach the fish are there and my lines in the water!!!!!



Yeah It was mayhem some people were even going in trying to trap the fish hahahaha no way they will catch a salmon they move too quick through the surf the funny thing was there were people still in the wather and the fish were not even bothered by it truly amazing stuff thats for sure...



reminds me of the same thing happening to me in nz at marfels beach in marlbough,only i had my trout rod with me to pass the time while i was surf casting, i had alreally nailed 2 real salmon around 700gm, escapees from a hatchery my father reckoned,and as i held a licence, i can take them home and i notice a lot of activity about 1km down the beach right on the shore line,it travels towards us very quickly and as it gets closer we can see it is a shoal of good size kaiwhai (aust. salmon)around 11/2 to 2kg feeding on herring that are going as fast as they can to escape.the salmon are leapfrogging over each other to get to the front of the queue and over the top of them are a mob of sea birds trying for their share,as they reach me i flick my lure out and a blackback gull(medium sized albartross)plucks it out of the air and falls into the drink, gets swamped by the frenzy,by the time i haul it in and untangle it and free the hook the fish are nearly out of sight,dad(dec.04)managed to pull one out of it,so it wasn't a total loss.fishkiller

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nice pick Nathan, Ive seen the salmon frenzy only twice, once at wanda 12 years ago and this summer at Botany, what a site to witness it.

Yeah It was a pretty cool site just wish the school were Kings and my rod was nearby!!!!! It will happen eventually!!!! I hope



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Hi, I find the fishing rod is a bit like an umbrella - t always rains when you dont bring the brolly, in this case it was raining fish!

I've had the same experience, now I always have a rod in the car.

Cheers Langa

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I had the same experience over Christmas at Balmoral. I was out for a walk with the wife and in-laws in the morning and could see the commotion. A pretty sizable school of salmon had worked the whitebait up to the shoreline and were chasing them from one end of the beach to the other. It was nuts! We went back to the beach in the afternoon for a swim and they were still there. We were literally stood waist deep in the water with the whitebait around us and every 5 minutes the salmon would come in a hit them right amonst us all standing/swimming. Incredible sight to see up close. I sooooo wanted to go back and grab my flick-stick but my wife shot me a look that put that idea to rest :( Next day the whitebait had moved back out in the bay followed by the salmon :(

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Hi Nathan good photo's champ bugger about not having a rod with you its always the way, you will have more luck next time.

Same thing happened to me afew months back kings n salmon were bursting up the water 100m away from the beach and they stayed there the whole time teaseing me. got to do whats right for family, :thumbup:

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Had this picture in my computer for some time. It was taken on 28/10/09 from Botany Bay. The fisho in the boat must have been very frustrated coz he wasn't able to get any into the boat and I watched for about 20 minutes...

Read millions of posts with fresh leaning every day but yet to post my first report.


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