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Ray's Arvo At Avoca

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, went around the rocks this arvo for a fish and a bit of a relax, didn't try spinning for bonnies instead I just sat back and and set a bottom rig out on the sandy gravel and waited for the fish to hook themselves. Small slabs of frigate mack and bonito were on the menu and at first all I got were ooglies, a stingaree, an eagle ray and small salmon, then my next fish was a small reddie to small for the frypan so back he goes, then out goes another slab of horsie and to my delight a nice flattie jumped onto it, he was later turned into boneless fillets. It was drawing to night so one more bait went out and it was snavelled by a tailor, didn't want him so he went back too.

So that was my arvo/evening, very relaxing and a nice reward for patience, swell is building too so take care over the next couple of days if you intend fishing from the edge somewhere.

Enjoy the pics and the self portrait, took it with the timer so I look a bit gumby.. :thumbup:

The prize


Self portrait


The end of the day


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Good mixed bag of fish to keep you busy til the flattie came along!!

............what's with the crouching tiger portrait.......... - that's no crouching tiger portrait - it's the Hodgey Stance!!!

Much calmer yesterday, eh?? Well done


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