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Iron Cove


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we fished the river today and very quite i mean just dead and then we heard of a massive fish kill in iron cove during the week we were told deccw were involved but nothing on there website so can anyone out there shed any light on this as it sounds like its being hushed up so i'l start digging but need the raiders help to confirm and to how bad it is . :thumbdown:

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I live across the road from the hawthorne canal and my parents rang the EPA.

The councils came down the next morning and were sampling all the dead fish and the toxin that was released.

They said they would ring back once it was worked out what it was.

I think it was some old sump oil becasue when you picked the fish up the felt oily and smelt of sump oil.

Hope that helped


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I live across the road from the hawthorne canal and my parents rang the EPA.

The councils came down the next morning and were sampling all the dead fish and the toxin that was released.

They said they would ring back once it was worked out what it was.

I think it was some old sump oil becasue when you picked the fish up the felt oily and smelt of sump oil.

Hope that helped


Getting some nice bream, mullet and blackfish on bread around the rowing club last week and on saturday mate.

Mate of myn caught a 25-30kg stingray on a live yakka today.

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Getting some nice bream, mullet and blackfish on bread around the rowing club last week and on saturday mate.

Mate of myn caught a 25-30kg stingray on a live yakka today.

How the hell do you manage to catch those darn mullet!!!!

I have tried 100s of differnt ways and can never get any results, you must be magic!

Good to see the bay still firing, hopefully haing a plastics sesh in the coming days


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thanks harry for the confirmation still no word from epa -deccw??? lets as know if they call ,how many fish did you see washed up,i was told there were whiting bream mullet?it just shows theres raiders everywhere with there finger on the pulse.

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No reply yet from the epa,

I saw hundreds of bream between 10cm -35cm, Bream seemed to be the worst efected.

I didnt see as many good sized flatties but there were 1000's of tiny ones on the shoreline.

I only saw a few whiting one was massive, musta been over 45cm :1yikes:

there were no mullet i could see but one hell of a big eel :tease:


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I posted not long ago that the harbour was unusually quite since the big rains...

My theory is that since we had the big rain for accouple weeks its stirred up the water and released all these toxins and thats why its been quite lately. Its just taken time to affect the fish. Arghh im so pissed off now how they dont notice people of these things. Fair enough they have advised its not safe to eat fish from those areas but when u get a spike in toxins like this it should make headlines so people are notified.

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i only eat kings n some bream from around the heads, spit bridge and manly side, but yeh i wouldn't touch fish from that side :P

whats the news on this anyway anyone find out whats the go?

Edited by DGF
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Yes there was a fish kill something in the water killed everything. Youd be mad to eat anything from there. If something in the water can kill every fish in the area it could mean very bad health issues for you. C&R only.

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