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A Few Bream Over The Last Few Days


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Hi all

Over the last few days, ABT had the Forster round of the ABT Yak Fishing Tournament in conjunction with Megabucks for the boats! About 15 boats competed for cash prizes & 33 yakkers were out there - Tim the Bream & his partner won both days with huge bags - about 8kgs of fish over 2 days with 10 bream! :1yikes:

The top yakker was a full one kilogram of fish ahead of his 2nd place getter, with 20 grams between 2nd & 3rd places!! Tight!!

I didn't compete in this one, but may try the Camden Haven one in mid April! However, I was out & about as the roving reporter, taking everyone's photos & having a fish as I went along!!! With some of the fish I caught, they would have been worthy of a competition!! :1yikes: Specially if caught on the same day!!

Unfortunately, I only caught one decent fish every day, but still had lots of fun & made new friends too!!

Day 1

I was 'prefishing' with Michelle & her son Scott from Lemon Tree Passage - they'd visited Forster about a month ago, to learn the dark art of Top Water Bream Fishing ........ specifically with Pencils, such as Luckycraft Sammys! They've been in a couple of yak comps recently & still haven't landed an ABT legal fish during the comp, tho Michelle caught one last week near home.

We were moseying along quite nicely, when I threw my bright yellow sammy across some weed beds & a fish started smacking the lure!! I enticed it away from him slowly, to encourage the hits ...... and WHACK, he's on!! It was quite a fight, with the fish going around the yak (having to high stick the fish to get the line over both rods in the rear rod holders) and finally brought him to the net! He was only just hooked - by the nose!!! No wonder he put up such a good fight!!


He went 39cm to the tail and was in superb condition! He would have easily gone 1kg! Unfortunately, I lost my digital scales overboard whilst fishing the Macleay the other week! :( I'll have to get another set!


He swam away happily!


I loaned Michelle the yellow lure (it Won the comp for the competitor last year!) Before she left this afternoon, she gave it back to me ...... and I promptly lost it! I walked back to where I had sat & retraced my footsteps ..... but it was GORN! :(

Day 2

The comp had begun ..... and as a non competitor, I wanted to make sure that I didn't impede any competitor, so only fished areas that were totally unmarked by a competitor. If a competitor came near, I moved to another empty spot.

Luckily, one of those empty spots, was one of my favourite spots!! :biggrin2: Up til then I'd not even had a bloop!

This fish really fought dirty! He rolled in the weeds & kept taking mighty runs in an effort to get away from me ..... I was down to one rod as I'd broken the tip on my 2nd rod with an over zealous cast ...... and the tip that I had replaced on my 3rd rod (tip was broken in SWR) had moved sideways, so had to reglue it & bind it too! That makes all 3 of my fav rods about 2" shorter ...... but I just call them 'custom rods' now!! My buddy Rob from Port Macq did the same to his Starlostik Pro Tournament lite, as well!! With so many of us busting our rod tips, we reckon we are setting the trend!!


he seemed pretty big - but just 32cm


Big Blue Lips


I got Snap Happy with this one, he was so nice!


Heading Home


Day 3

Final day of competition

I was REALLY staying out of the way of competitors today! Once again, I found a spot near my Fav Spot!! :1yikes: I'd never fished this part of it before, either!

This guy was landed from within 2m of the edge of the lake! It was pretty shallow & it surprised me!


Just like the soup says - big & chunky!


BIG blue lips again


He went 37cm to the tail


And check out the girth on this thing!


He went home too


You can see how shallow I was fishing! REALLY SHALLOW!!

It was a blast!! I reckon if I'd caught all 3 on the one day, it would have been difficult to beat!!

Cheerio & thanks for reading


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Thanks guys - nothing wrong with keeping fish for a feed ........ I don't mind putting them back - I much prefer flatties & blackies for a feed anyway, so have no worries about putting breambos back!! :biggrin2:

The really good news was that Michelle went on to catch 2 cracking bream (30 &32cm to the fork) using her Sammy & the technique I described in this thread


She went from zero to 16th Outright out of 32 competitors (only lady) on Day 2! She also whupped the bloke who came 3rd last year in the Grand Final at Forster ...... who got NO fish! :biggrin2:

Michelle and her son Scott had come up to Forster a few weeks back to fish with me & have a go at learning top water breamin' with Pencils. She had put in an 8hr day (& would have put in another one except that she was called home early as her Mum took ill) determindly learning the technique, with lots of bloops & one fish on, just to spit the hook, so was determined to get it right on comp day! On Day 2, she perservered & succeeded, beating a lot of the boys along the way who fancied themselves as 'top fishos' and enter every comp. She was so stoked - as Scott had landed one on his sammy within 20mins of starting yesterday, so her 1.35kg fish whupped him!!

2 very nice breambos


Very Blue Noses!!




Edited by Roberta
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Dear Roberta

I have just join raiders and been fishing for only a couple of months. So I'm reading as much as I can to make up for lost time. But having read a lot of postings on this site, I find your reports and postings most informative and also encouraging. Please keep up the good work. :thumbup:


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Nice work of on the blue noses in the shallow stuff, how hard do they go when they have no where to go offer than left or right.....

Nice peddling Roberta, there's some good size bream in that lot :thumbup: I can picture you giving an indian file of tournament fishos plenty of decoy peddling to do before you surrendered back into your favourite spot two kilometers back from where they came from :biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks guys - it was a fun few days.

Hi Crash, & :1welcomeani: :1welcomeani: to Fishraider!!! It was by reading other people's posts that enabled me to become a better fisherperson over the last few years, the last 12 months in particular! If you have any questions, feel free to ask - if you ever make it up to Forster - feel free to make contact & we should be able to hit the water together! :biggrin2:

Hi PT .....how hard do they go when they have no where to go offer than left or right......... ABSOLUTELY!!! they bury themselves in the weed & mud & pretend that they are snapper! Fun tho! :1prop:

Hi Byron .... I can picture you giving an indian file of tournament fishos plenty of decoy peddling to do before you surrendered back into your favourite spot two kilometers back from where they came from.... Funnily enough, not many folk that I had shown one of my favourite spots to ..... fished it! I think they thought it would get congested or crowded ........ it is about 3 football fields long or longer, so plenty of space for any number of yakkers!! There was a bit of a yak army on the Friday for the Prefish tho! :074:

Hi Pmak, one of the shops knows me well! :wacko: But I find myself drawn into them, no matter where I am! :074:



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Great to see your still smacking them on the surface lures Roberta , you must have it down to a fine art by now , and it makes that much harder with quality fish like those that tend to drag you round when your in a yak . Well done . Hate losing lures but especially when it's a proven soldier one with a heap of teeth marks, those lures you always resort to when the going gets tough. Also I hope to see you in one of those yak comps soon you would have a ball I reckon and you have heaps of experience . Keep up those reports it's always good to here whats happening that way. Cheers


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