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Need To Talk...


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Those who read Trapper Tom's post will know that I also suffer from depression.

Usually I don't post much because my depression makes me think other people dont want to know what I think about anything.

Well, right now I am suffering very badly, am home alone for the week and just need to vent a bit.

I have permanent nerve damage in my back. If I am stressed or ill it plays up more than usual. Right now I have the sore throat bug, which in turn sets my nerve off. If I give them a heads up at work that I might struggle a bit, I get an annoyed "oh, can't you just take a panadol or nurofen?" Well, NO. I have Tramadol for that, but if I take it I can't work. They don't get it and just moan. (Chronic pain is the cause of my depression, and they were fully aware of my disability when they hired me).

I am soo over them, and am dreading going to work every day. Only 2 weeks ago the gen-y in the office dropped my gas lift chair without warning, while I was sitting in it. I got the cold shoulder treatment because I got hurt and put it in the incident book.

I've started looking for something else but have no confidence.

but I do feel a bit better for venting.

Thanks for listening :)


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I feel ya man... Too many people suffer from depression these days it not funny... Does Fishing Help?? LOL it really helps me calm down if im really angry Or sad... But Dont know if it works for depression... For me fishing fixes everything.... Nothing to think about

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Sorry to hear that SB - people who have not experienced chronic pain have no idea how debilitating it can be, both physically and mentally! The GenY especially! They don't realise how frustrating their 'get over it' comments can be!

Good on you for putting that stupid prank in the incident book! You should have!! I would go to the doc & get a 2 day sick leave pass & put the chair incident as the reason!

I am with A.Dawg on this - when I go fishing, my hands don't hurt, my back doesn't hurt - it is like a massive aspirin for me! I am so busy chucking lures around that I forget about any pain! How far away from water are you? It could well be the tonic you need. Even just a rod, reel, float & hook with some bread on it ....... you'll get plenty of action no matter where you are! Fresh or salt!

Hope you feel better sooner than later! Take care


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I've lived with a serious chronic pain condition previously (trigeminal neuralgia)... and it sucks. People who haven't dealt with it don't realise how far it can drag you down. It's not the amount of pain as much as it being never ending. I'm feeling for you dude.

Do whatever it takes to deal with it mate. Vent, talk, get a new job, fish... whatever it takes to keep you going.

Hope you have more up days than down, SB.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hey mate, sorry to hear about the incident at work. I hope your okay and my only suggestion to you is that when your at home alone try to focus on the things you like. Spend hours googling the next combo on your wish list, or any other hobbies you may have. It's probably very hard to have a positive outlook especially with the pain, but I'm sure focusing on the things you enjoy will help.

All the best,

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Gday mate, sorry to hear about all that, depression is something that has become more common or at least more recognized. I usually just go fishing to help relax/calm my self especially after a crappy day :( also when ever you need someone to talk to don't hesitate to post up on here :) i'm sure your posts will not go disregarded people always want to hear what others have to say as well :)

also sucks to hear how workplaces disregard things like that, it is pretty inconsiderate of workers to say and do the things most of them do, and this happens in a lot of workplaces including my own.

Have you tried talking to work mates or the boss about your condition? not sure if it will make them a little more lenient or not, sure didn't in my case as i still get the "Oh, your sick, do you have to take the whole day off cant you come in half day". heck just the other day i had problems with my Achilles tendon after i accident involving a whipper snipper and i couldnt walk properly for 2 weeks and to top it off the wound got badly infected, i actually got told off for trying to change the dressing saying its nothing, and i actually came to work ..

it is silly what happens in some work places.

Good luck with everything mate hope get some relief from your pains as well :)

and remember were always here to talk :)



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Mate depression is very common in our society, just not talked about very much. So the first thing to realise is that you're not the only one suffering, and chances are several people you know are also suffering from differing degrees of depression, only they keep it to themselves and continue to suffer without getting help.

Your back issue is a big one because like any chronic pain syndrome it is very hard to treat. May I suggest you look into the ADAPT program developed by Prof Michael Cousins at Royal North Shore Hospital? Here's the link - http://www.pmri.med.usyd.edu.au/clinical/adapt.php . Apparently they have quite a bit of success in helping people manage their pain, and I think it might be covered by medicare or grant funding too, but don't hold me to that...

Another link that might be of use to you is to the beyond blue website ( http://www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx? ) although I'd say you may have already heard about that one.

Edited by abecedarian
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G'day Silverbike

Trapper Tom Here.

Mate same as for Tan (the he's a good man) he he, call me on 0417 676 038 anytime.

Or e-mail gwtbcs@bigpond.net.au. Do not ever forget beyond blue either.

Always good to have a yak when your down.

And hey don't worry about your posting, just get into it, there are heaps of things on this site you can comment on or pass opinion on and I think you can see from this sites responses that people will care about your opinion or views. Its a value that the site admin and Mods foster very vigilantly. Thats why its got over 10,000 members who constantly yak on line.

PS believe it or not besides being a bit of a past sportman I absolutely love my gardening. I reckon I have even got the largest elkhorn plant EVER in australia. Will get a photo out and post in photo sect for you in the next day or so.

Have all sorts of things but the one thing I have never been able to grow successfully is Orchids. Damn hard buggers arn't they.

So therefore your advice and help there would be greatly appreciated.

I will post my requests for info on orchids in the bar section please keep your eye out.

Chin up and do things that make you feel good.

PS. excess :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile: may not be the best thing. Mind you last weekend at Swansea I was a bit wobbily to say the least.

Cheers Man

Trapper Tom

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Hey there SB - hope you are doing well. Have you been out for a fish yet? You may have read that I went up to Avoca yesterday - great day, great mate but no fish and I lost heaps of tackle! ARGH!! I managed to get a set of cleats and knock up a pair of rock fishing shoes - which worked fantastically well - I am most proud!!

I would LOVE one of those plants but you will have to give me the good oil on successful mediums etc.

Let me know how you're going.



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Hey SB yes the depression is a very terrible thing i only got over a few weeks.

How is it going for you mate ? Dont ever feel bad about posting it up as we are all understanding people and will try to help out :)

Try your best and heres a tip, I Found when trying to get over itbto always think possible about ONLY the next week, Think beaty going fishing this week, etc etc Dont think to far into the future, Think of now.

If theres anything you wanna know or chat about, Shoot me a PM :)

Best wishes and hope things turn out for you mate, Depression is a terrible thing.

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wow guys, what can I say...I'm tearing up just reading the replies...THANK YOU ALL :)

Trapper Tom, I don't :beersmile: much, maybe 1 a week? if i'm lucky. But I am very much looking forward to Easter...watch out Yellowbellies!! Haven't been out for a fish for ages so am really excited about sitting on an old farm dam with friends and rellies.

Would love to see that elkhorn :biggrin2:

thanks all for the links and suggestions, much appreciated. The pain thing just gets you down so much. I've been having pain management for about 15 years; currently my nerve blocks are 2 months apart - and thats after 15 years, so that may give you an idea of my injury.

I feel better today, but that may be because I have applied for 2 jobs this morning. :thumbup:

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Hey Siverbike.

Great news for the 2 apps hey. Good luck.

Please post what field/profession you are in, with 10,000 people here, never know who might need you.

As for the beer, no offence intended mate, was sort of a general coment for all only, I just know I had a few too many schoonerburgers at a point when maybe I should not have. Mrs Psyhco helper for me went OOOPs Trapper, suggest you go back to what you usally have ie 2-3 a night after work.

I went OOOPs did not even realise I was doing it, sorry thats a mistake, I think I just didn't care and didn,t give a shit for 6 months.

All good there now, and I still do my Home Brewing. Damn good stuff.

Will post elkhorn photo for you. And some other stuff. Also Ray R has posted a few photo's of his plants as well as other stuff. Check it out. Also Peter S does some great candid shots, check those out.


Trapper Tom

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Hey there

I have suffered from chronic pain & depression. I had to deal with disinterested employers & staff. I have had dealings with a number of organizations who have helped me. please PM me & I would be happy to talk to you any time! As a person with multiple disabilities myself I feel for you. Just contact me.

& ps - fishing is a great relief from both stress & pain as it relaxes me whether I catch a fish or not.

Edited by Dusky
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