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Congrats To Slinky.


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I just wanted to post a quick congrats to Slinky for upholding his record of losing a good fish everytime we fish on his boat. :ranting2:

We hit the Gold Coast y/day with grand plans to head to the 36's & Cotton reef.

The forecast was for 8 knots of wind with a 1.2mtr swell with waves 12 secs apart. Somehow they got it wrong & we were confronted with 15 knots, 1.8 mtr swell & waves 6 secs apart.

We found bait, then took 40 mins punching out to the 24's ( a run that normally takes 15mins) to find all of our marks barren. :mad3:

We headed back into the Seaway to find 2000 boats doing their thing.

Tails between the legs & heading for home I was gobsmacked to see big fish carving up the surface in tight to some barges.

My whacking of his shoulder got Slinky's attention. I grabbed the wheel while he grabbed his rod. 2nd cast he is on in a big way. His new ABU got very warm very fast.

We are about 20ft off the barges & things looked safe. 1st obstacle = imbecile in his half cab decides to run between us & the barges. No amount of me waving him away would deter said idiot from his course. With Slinky locked up & losing line this bloke looks at me like I'm the idiot. Phew, didn't cut the fish off somehow.

2nd obstacle. 3 mins later next imbecile, this time on a jetski, decides on the same course between us & the barges. I'll forgive him as he probably couldn't see us through his motorbike helmet. Must have had plenty of sinkers tossed at him before to be wearing that! Phew didn't cut the fish off.

3rd obstacle. Slinky's curse. This one we couldn't beat. :074: After an epic 10 minute fight the hook just falls out. Under load & with no slack line. Just pulls.

I used to think that when Slinky lost a good fish that he was just unlucky. Now if he EVER catches one of these fish I will believe that fish is unlucky!!

Well done on upholding the tradition mate! :05::074:

Thanks for the day out. Can't wait to hit it again soon on a decent day.



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:Funny-Post: Any idea what it was

Got a look at a couple of them that fed close to the boat. They were moving bloody fast though.

At 1st they looked like mackeral. Long & slender. But Slinky never got bitten off & the plastic wasn't cut up. It had teeth marks in it.

Unless he hit a g.t feeding under some macks then they could well have been good amberjacks.

Would have been nice to find out for sure! :074:

With all the boat traffic they were only up for a minute. We were lucky that I saw them & we managed a cast before the madness of the Broadwater spooked them.



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Giant herring maybe?

Possibly mate.

I would have sworn the 2 I saw near the boat were mackeral. It wasn't a mackeral that he hooked & he was winding flat stick when he hooked up.

Bottom line is that he has to boat some of these mystery fish for us to tell for sure! :074:



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Yakka's for sure. :biggrin2:

Hang on, maybe a toadfish :074:

Only if it was on a Daiwa hehehe

Love you to Slink :1pash:

ps That's all slink needs, another badge in his sig!

Edited by GregL
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:Funny-Post: :Funny-Post: Hope they are still there when we go out on Friday!!! Can we use your boat please, Grant? :074:

bugger bugger bugger I feel for you Slinky!! :ranting2::1badmood::mad3::( All those emotions would have been going thru your mind afterwards!! Apart from the complete imbeciles (unfortunately there are just too many of them on the water) you did well keeping the fish on for as long as you did!!!

Ah well, you'll know where to look for them the next time!!!

See ya both soon


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Oh dear. Not much left for Slinky to change to improve his mojo either. The black cat has come off the boat, new rods and reels have been employed, and STILL they elude capture :mad3: There is nothing worse, especially when your 'deckie' confirms that you weren't doing anything to warrant losing the fish.

It sounds like you were suitably sympathetic Grant :biggrin2: Maybe Slinky should just bite the bullet, give all his gear away (to the Hodgey/Jewhunter households) and actively pursue his second favourite passion ... knitting!



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Slinky did actually ring me yesterday to discuss his options if he gave up fishing! :1yikes:

We discussed knitting but he reckons the way he drops fish he'll drop his stitches as well. :074:

I suggested lawn bowls. I can't type his response!

In the end we decided that he will just have to keep fishing & sooner or later a fish will get unlucky! :tease:

Chin up mate. We'll stick it to some soon.



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Knitting would be fine, boys... but I'd probably just keep dropping stitches. :ranting2:

Jewhunter has actually been pretty kind to me... there are soooooo many tales of the one that got away. I really really am questioning everything I'm doing.

Up until about 9 months ago, losing fish wasn't a problem I had (apart from the usual odd fish of course like we all drop. Now I really do feel like I'm cursed. JH has seen the majority of the dropped fish first hand and can tell you that angler error has only been rarely responsible. That makes it really frustrating coz there's nothing obvious to fix except my luck :1badmood:

When I fished with JH this last weekend he asked me, as has become usual, when I was going to blow a good fish. It'd be a lot funnier if it wasn't so true.

I finally managed the Jacks after removing the black cats from the boat but I think the hoodoo is still hanging around since I've subsequently managed to drop some more nice fish.

Anyone want some fishing gear? :(

Cheers, Slinky

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I finally managed the Jacks after removing the black cats from the boat but I think the hoodoo is still hanging around since I've subsequently managed to drop some more nice fish.

I think I know what your problem is! It's your avatar!



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If any of my fish kept wriggling off before I sized them up I would be more inclined to blame the particular species whatever they were and just head off elsewhere and fish for something different.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Bye Bye pussy cat.

If any of my fish kept wriggling off before I sized them up I would be more inclined to blame the particular species whatever they were and just head off elsewhere and fish for something different.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

If I did that Byron, I'd have to fish for Goldfish... they're about the only species left.

CHeers, Slinky

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Bye Bye pussy cat.

If I did that Byron, I'd have to fish for Goldfish... they're about the only species left.

CHeers, Slinky

:Funny-Post: LMAO!! :074:

I can't believe all references to the black cat are gone. Even the avatar!!!!

It's gotta help. :thumbup:



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