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Tweed Bassin'

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G'day all.

I got the call from Slinky during the week."I'm going fishing on Sunday no matter what! I'm not going to my grandmother in-laws!"

The fact that it was going to be cold & miserable & blowing 30 knots didn't leave too many options. I came up with a cunning plan to dust off the old tinny & hit the fresh side of the Tweed River for some bass.

After setting the tinny up & disposing of the spiders we were off.

Slinkys' previous best bass was 28cm's. I was confident we could better that. That was until I saw the river. It was blowing at least 30 knots, bloody cold with some rain thrown in to top it off. Not what I'd call ideal bass weather!! :ranting2:

I snuck us around out of the main river & into the lower Oxley. At least we would be out of the wind a bit.

Slinky had on a sweet little double bladed spinnerbait while I stuck with the trusty TT blade & grub combo.

It only took about 10 casts for Slinky to get his new p.b. A beaut 36cm wild bass in top condition. It was more silver/grey than bronze & looked unreal. :thumbup:

We continued up the Oxley for a few more taps & half hearted hits until I bit the bullet & headed into the main river down towards the weir.

Fishing was near impossible in the first stretch due to the wind. It eased back to 20 knots the further we went down. I dropped a fish near the weir due to Slinky's deft sabotaging of my Sol when he serviced it. Now when you pull up tight the anti reverse slips out & the reel spins backwards! Nice one mate!

We found some great looking snags & Slinky picked up another nice fish of 31cms before finishing the session off with another p.b of 38cms! That fish tried to stitch him up but he pulled it over a log & nailed him.

I ended up fishless. I have a few excuses. One arm on the leccy trying to steer in the wind instead of cast. A stuffed reel & finally a lack of skill! :074:

Slinky kept telling me that my guiding is great but my fishing is crap! :1yikes:

Even though the conditions were terrible I had a hoot. We were laughing at ourselves the whole time & it was great seeing Slinky get his p.b's. We dropped into the pub for a beer on the way home. I then had to have quite a few more back home to get the blood moving again.

Well done on the p.b's mate.

Great stuff!! :yahoo:



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C'mon both of you! You should both be taking this competition with each other more seriously! In the future, less laughing and having so much fun ... okay?

Grant, I think your only chance is to sabotage Slinky next time. Remember, he now has the upper hand because he got rid of that black cat avatar!


Well done to both of you for getting out in that weather. :thumbup:

Great report!



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WOOHOO!!! Congratulations to Slinky on his TREBLE PBs!!! Terrific day on the water - given the conditions!! Sounds like you finally got the weather we got last weekend!!

Shame you didn't get any fish Grant (reminds me of someone else I know ....... are you sure that at least one person on your boat must go 'fishless'?) - remember, a bad workman always blames his tools!! :biggrin2: Sounds like you were on the right side of the weir this time!! :1prop: Glad it didn't rain!! We've had heaps the last few days! Got myself 3 nice breambos today - will do post tomorrow!! Hodgie was right - a week late!

CHeerio & go get 'em!!


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Well done fella's good on you for tuffing out the horrible wheather . Some nice fish there Slinky, it would have been great to have a Grant on the electric , especially when it's blowing that hard . Not alaways the most comfortable conditions to fish but often they can still produce good fish as you both have just demonstrated , congrats .


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I think the reason you didn't get any fish mate, is that they were scared off by your shorts.

I walked into Jewhunter's place in the morning telling him it was *(&(*&^ cold. He looked at me like I was some kind of Queensland wuss and promptly swapped his trackie dacks for shorts, declaring it was quite mild. :074:

I think that will be the last time he makes his fashion selection based on the weather down in his little tree lined hideaway, where you can't feel the 30knot SW wind howling in the rest of the valley. :frozen:

Here's a pic taken on the run back to the ramp when the wind had subsided to a more manageable 20 knots. The little leccy had the tinny doing about 3 knots into the wind... we'd been on the plane heading the other way :biggrin2:

Looks comfy, doesn't he?


Cheers, Slinky

PS. I'm happy to service any reels of people who take me out fishing... just before we go out :1prop:

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I think the reason you didn't get any fish mate, is that they were scared off by your shorts.

I walked into Jewhunter's place in the morning telling him it was *(&(*&^ cold. He looked at me like I was some kind of Queensland wuss and promptly swapped his trackie dacks for shorts, declaring it was quite mild. 074.gif

I think that will be the last time he makes his fashion selection based on the weather down in his little tree lined hideaway, where you can't feel the 30knot SW wind howling in the rest of the valley. frozen.gif

Here's a pic taken on the run back to the ramp when the wind had subsided to a more manageable 20 knots. The little leccy had the tinny doing about 3 knots into the wind... we'd been on the plane heading the other way biggrin2.gif

Looks comfy, doesn't he?


Cheers, Slinky

PS. I'm happy to service any reels of people who take me out fishing... just before we go out 1prop.gif

LMAO at Grant (muc) ..... you goose 074.gif

You and Tony are hysterical with these reports, keep em up please biggrin2.gif

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I didn't even notice your shorts Grant ... I was too distracted by your footwear! :biggrin2:

Some nice bass there Slinky, in some pretty ordinary conditions. A new PB to add to your list as well. Didn't you find it distracting fishing with a sunglasses-wearing Uncle fester?

Great report as always fellas :thumbup:



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I didn't even notice your shorts Grant ... I was too distracted by your footwear! :biggrin2:

Some nice bass there Slinky, in some pretty ordinary conditions. A new PB to add to your list as well. Didn't you find it distracting fishing with a sunglasses-wearing Uncle fester?

Great report as always fellas :thumbup:



Settle down Boonie!

I forgot my hat as well as the trackies.

No wonder I was cold! :wacko:



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