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Avoca Arvo Reddie And Trevs

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, today we finished work around 1:00pm so I went down to Avoca, grabbed a beautiful coffee from the kiosk at the club and went around the rocks to check the conditions.

I sat and watched the swell for about 20 mins or so and decided that it was well and truly safe for a fish on the corner ledge, safe from the south swell and very little wind.

I dashed home and grabbed my gear and a couple of squid fron the freezer that I had caught on a previous outing and headed back to the rocks.

The water looked good so I baited up with some nice squid tenticle and hoiked her out set my rod and waited. I had a few small enquiries just some gentle taps and WHAMMO, the rod buckled and line went screaming off the big saltist, I grabbed the rod and set the hook, tightened the drag and began the retrieve.

After a short battle a nice little reddie was up on the rocks, a nice prize and what will be a feast for Karen as she loves bream and reddies.

Okay so this was a good start I thought and baited up again in search for another one. Well it was on again in no time, differnet fight this time though and up comes a trevally and in to the keeper he goes.

The weather closed in a bit now and it started to rain but I fished on regardless as I was not sure when the conditions would change for the worse, as daylight was fading the bite was heating up and I managed to land 2 more trevs and small bream (that was released) and a couple of dropped critters that were either trevs or bream.

So all up it was a fishy arvo in fairly good conditions, I might add that it was quite safe were I was and always had my eye on the water.. :biggrin2:





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That close-up of the reddie is a gem, Ray :thumbup: What a difference in conditions to the photos you took earlier this week. No wonder Karen pushes you along at work ... look at the benefits! :biggrin2: Enjoy the rest of your week mate



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Nice little session there Ray. That red looks very tasty. Must've been really itching for a fish, with all the bad stormy weather that's been around.

If only all rock fishos followed your example and watched the waves for a while before heading out. And never take your eyes off the water :1yikes: .


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Good reliable little session Ray and plenty of take homes too :thumbup: ..I'll bet Karen enjoys that snapper.. plate size snapper make up a tasty seafood meal with a few prawns on the side and a glass of red always goes down well with snapper..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Well done Ray!! You have another toothy critter to add to your file!! I've been amazed that our conditions haven't been rough at all!! Admittedly, I am surveying the southern end of Burgess Beach as we speak - but we really only had the one day on the weekend when it was 'rough'!

Even now, clear blue skies & they reckoned it would be raining from Sydney to Brisbane!! :biggrin2: I'll be out in my yak chasing those pesky bream again, I reckon - will take the elephant gun out with me this time!! :074:



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Firstly, well done on emphasising some important safety aspects of rockfishing Ray, such as always have a good look at the water for 15-20 minutes before fishing. Also for picking a "safe" place in relation to swell and wind.

Good catch there too. A very tasty meal for Karen! Snapper that size are great to eat. How do you cook the trevs? I always fillet and smoke them now.

As for the photos ... :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I love the closeup of the snapper. When you click on it and enlarge the image, the different colours and detail are amazing! It's one of my favourite shots you've taken this year.

Fantastic report Ray.



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Glad the wild seas have dropped back. Beautiful looking colours on the reddie, Ray. What sort of outfit are you using for fishing off those ledges?

Beaut report and photos as always :thumbup:

Cheers, Slinky

Hi Tony, mate I have a Wilson 5120 mid taper, very solid 5 wrap 10 footer, the reel is a Daiwa Saltist 6500, 30lb braid, as for the end bit well that depends on how I fish but around the rocks it's usually just a paternoster rig with 20-30lb Sunline fc rock fluro leaders,3 or 4 ounce leads depending on conditions.. :thumbup:

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