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Dolls Point 3/6/2010...cracker Flathead

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Hey Raiders,

Horrible weather in Sydney today - plenty of showers and a cold sou'easterly blowing - BUT, have a couple of days off work, and after getting kids off to school and wife off to work had to take the opportunity to get out. Went down to Dolls Point with the soft plastics and it was real tough casting into the wind so walked out on one of the small rock groynes to cast a few. Had a couple of little bites, then a real lovely tug. Thought flathead, but it gave a couple of really good runs so was thinking trevally but then got it to the rocks and it was a ripper flathead. It took off again a few more times before I was able to cradle it onto the rocks. Got out the measuring stick - just over 80cm - my best ever. Unfortunately didn't take the camera with me because of the rain. Put the old girl back in the water and she just swam off leisurely. Forgot all about the rain and cold wind, I was rapt. And then I was lucky enough to pick up a nice 30cm bream for my dinner - who needs sunshine and warm weather?



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Well done getting out in the weather today :thumbup: and catching and releasing the 80cm flattie. Did you find that the flatties are just softly tapping the lure? What sort of plastics were you using.


Thanks. Yes, it wasn't an aggressive hit - I use Hodgey's 'Targetting Winter Flathead' post as a guide and reckon his advice is spot on. I was using the new Ecogearaqua Bug Ants - i only got them yesterday so that was another reason I was keen to get out today and try them! They're expensive, but an 80cm flattie was worth the price.

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Congrats on a terrific fish mate, and kudos to you for releasing her. :thumbup:

What a shame you didn't get the opportunity for a photo. The flatties will tend to be quite tentative as the water cools now, but you've obviously got them sorted! ;) Great choice of lure, and as you say, the expense is justified by the beaut fish. I hope the winter months continue to be productive for you!



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