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Last Minute Jewwie


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Hope you are all having a great long weekend...

As for me I have been working like a dog on my boat trailer almost there now just waiting on parts to finish the job.

Anyway got a call from my brother this afternoon asking If I wanted to go for a fish I thought about it being a little tired decided that I needed the distraction so I though yeah why not.

I had no choice with the bait so I left it all up to my brother so he picked up some California squid and prawns.

I had a gut feeling that a Jew would be possible but was a little unsure as I was expecting a few Fishos out on the hunt which usually spooks them most the time as I have been told.

We were on the water approx 8:30 with the tide still rising a little.

So I setup 3 Jew rods 1 for me and my brother and one for his mate they also setup a few bream setups as for me I was just happy to relax.

about 15 minutes into the session my Mates rod goes off like a steam train and he lands a beautiful Tailor going 55 not bad for Middle Harbor we were all very happy Ill try get my hands on the photo so I can add it into this thread.

Anyway we sit and relax as the bite slows a little except for the Pickers and My brother snagging twice losing 2 Gakamatsu rigs both mine of course :ranting2:

It was approaching 11pm and we were ready to call it quits and my rod bends slightly then plunges and I hold on then the drag screams off I knew that I had found what I have been looking for so I hold on for about 2-3 mins he takes another 2 decent runs and I get him in along with about 50 meters of my mates line my new PB Jewwie going on 84 CMS very happy indeed especially due to the fact that I was not planning on a session we then promptly got the last 3 squid out for the last 30 mins for no takers but we were happy enough with our takings so we called it a night...

I am just waiting for My brother to get his turn now but I was glad to show him a Jewwie as he has only seen it on TV still cant take the smiles off our faces.

I am also looking forward to Having a feed of Jew it has been almost 7 months for me.

We will be back out there again once My Trailer is sorted out!!!!!!! :thumbup:






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Thanks Guys,

I just hope that the Next outing is on my Boat and that I do not have to wait another 7 Months to get another Jewwie.

And the Meter one that will be Nice but Ill have to experiment a little try a Few diferent places..



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Well done Nathan, thats a great Jewie :thumbup:

Were you on Lane Cove last night???

Next time you are in the area give me a call I would be happy to tag along- if you want me number send me a PM or get it from Johnny.

Likely catch up next weened @ the social if you are going.

Tight lines



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Well done Nathan, thats a great Jewie :thumbup:

Were you on Lane Cove last night???

Next time you are in the area give me a call I would be happy to tag along- if you want me number send me a PM or get it from Johnny.

Likely catch up next weened @ the social if you are going.

Tight lines



Yeah Anthony Send us your Number.

Ill bring Johnny (FisherDoi) along also.

I need to set up the Boat to seat 3 people shes a little tight atm still working on the trailer.

As for the Social not this time will be Busy with the Boat for a while.

I was up around that way Will have to get out more chasing that Meter Model,



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very nice jewie mate,i got a good run on em to last night,was it the head of your jew that was at the boat ramp last night??

Did It Wash Up as I gave it a mighty good throw!!!



Good on you for your PB Nathan. You have finally cracked the code!!! :thumbup:



There's Definately a code to these creatures but I dont take it too seriously as it has taken me 7 months to catch another one. Ill keep at it like you and Marcel and try to be more consistent allthough I am not complaining at all.



Good fish Nathan, but it looks like you're gonna have to change your username now - no longer a beginner by the looks of that fish.

Cheers, Tuffy.

Thanks Tuffy. But there is still alot of stuff for me to learn :biggrin2:



I cant even get soapie your killing it mate. Well done

Thanks Cut_loose.

I caught my first Jew late last year was only 52cms but honestly I was just as happy with that as this guy.

With the help of this website I am amost 100% sure that you'll get yours too as there are more and more raiders getting into these fish I have only caught 3 but hope one day that I can help fellow raiders get theirs.

I was also lucky enough to go out for a session With Pete (Tide'n'Knots) and because of what I learned with him I was able to keep my cool and land this fish...



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Thanks Pete,

Could not have done it without our session last year mate I stayed calm like you did with yours and came up good also forgot to mention on the post that the hookup was not the best so taking it easy on the retrieve was the reason that I landed this beast really looking forward to getting into them again will have to take you on on my boat once I am all sorted out and time permits.

Not so sure that ill be able to make it to the social as its my parents anniversary but ill try to pull something off.



Well done mate, thats a solid middle harbour Jew... well done on smashing :1yikes: your previous pb!



Thanks AJ,

I am very happy indeed smashing my PB Jew by 22cms and overall PB by 17cms.

I am now hopeful of cracking the Meter mark but it may take me another 7 months hahahahaha

Will keep trying.



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Congratulations on catching your personal best jewfish so far Beginner :thumbup: that's a good looking jew Nathan, grab Johnny Doi and let's go up the m7 and get amongst a few of the Hawkesbury specimums :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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No worries Byron However ill need to get a Etag first to use the M7 hahaha

Looking forward to it just about done working on my trailer now maybe another week and ill be ready.



I've got the magic VIP one off limited edition M7 card Nathan :yahoo: all I need is a little help with the gear and getting the boat on at my end, mum's the word mate I'll front up mate, I owe you and Johnny a session, it'll only task 50 minutes from my place to get up there anyway :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I've got the magic VIP one off limited edition M7 card Nathan :yahoo: all I need is a little help with the gear and getting the boat on at my end, mum's the word mate I'll front up mate, I owe you and Johnny a session, it'll only task 50 minutes from my place to get up there anyway :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:


You dont owe us a sesh we but we would be grateful to come along anyway :biggrin2:

look forward to hearing from you.

should be good as I will learn a thing or 2 about the boat side of thnigs also.



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onya brother,nice fish.i was sooo happy for ya when you sent the msg.congrats on the pb.now lets go chase those big 30-50lbers.we'v finally got the pc working,had to do a bit of mc gyver work on it but she's workn,just.

cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

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Thanks Johnny,

Yeah Mate cant wait to get into the Bigger ones hopefully we can get into them on My boat once I am all done fixing her up.

Too bad about the computer they always seem to let you down when you need them most....



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