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Kowmung 14-19 June

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G'day all,

Disappointing trip for 6 days.

Hiked into Kowmung from Katoomba, and up from the junction at Cox's to about 3km's up river to out of the exclusion zone, then fished around 4km's upstream over the days.

Unlike my last trip there, this time there were virtually no fish, and I only managed 2 small rainbows..LOL!.

Saw a good sized red belly - right on the water edge, unusual for this time of year, and on my way back to Narrow Neck there was a dead massive Wombat- which wasn't there on the way in!- It appeared to have died right on the trail, so maybe those old stories of the panther/lion like animals in the mountains are true!???.

Anyway, sorry for the lame report - I was trying hard!, just no fish and only a few rises. The river had a good amount of water in it too.

Well not to be deterred I am planning my last trip up there before heading home to Alaska to pack my stuff and move back to Sydney for the next year.

Next monday I will go out and spend 7 days at Kanangra Creek and hopefully bring some better results.

Hope all is well.



p.s- got this great little 1 man tent for $90 online as all my hiking gear is back in Alaska, this little tent is awesome for $90!...lol really! and only 1.7kg!



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Shame the fish didn't cooperate, Nanook. Glad you managed to avoid the panther yourself though and it looks like that tent was a good pick-up.

Cheers, Slinky

Last night I only just escaped the grasp of a feisty COUGAR , whilst trying to walk past the East Hills pub :1naughty: . You can never be too careful.....

Shame about the fishing Nanook , but at least you were out in the bush and fishing , it could have been a lot worse and good luck on the next mission ,


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Last night I only just escaped the grasp of a feisty COUGAR , whilst trying to walk past the East Hills pub :1naughty: . You can never be too careful.....

Shame about the fishing Nanook , but at least you were out in the bush and fishing , it could have been a lot worse and good luck on the next mission ,



East Hills...hmmm does that mean you are in the ADF?...

Cougars are particularly nasty, especialy the genus that have off white scuffed tassled footwear, and bleached out perms...god luv em!.

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Despite the many long km's on the hike in and out to this area of the Bluies, I am not deterred.

Just like Der Fuhrer implementing Clausewitz, I don't give up even in the face of overwhelming defeat!.

I know the "Kanangra Blitzkreig" will bring results!.

LOL... photos of the operation to come at the end of next week!

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Ten points for effort Matt.

I hope your next trip is more productive.

If only i had the time to join you.

Take care if going alone as not many people get down that way.

A personal epirb is well worth the money.

Keep us posted.


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Ten points for effort Matt.

I hope your next trip is more productive.

If only i had the time to join you.

Take care if going alone as not many people get down that way.

A personal epirb is well worth the money.

Keep us posted.


Thanks Rob, but I have an Iridium sat phone that has served me well for the last few years in the arctic, and I never go anywhere without it. Cost more than an EPIRB but if I need to just let someone know I will be late, I don't need to end up on the news if you know what I mean. Never had any issues with Iridium, but used to have a Globalstar phone and it was crap. Iridium have more sats in low earth orbit and truly global coverage.

Yes you are right- not many folks that way, and that is how I like it. No rubbish, cigarette butts, giardia and the like. Funny, because on my long walk out on saturday- as I got up to Katoomba they had the big festival day there, and a disheveled, smelly man with a beard and sweaty sticky clothes ( me!) seemed to fit in well with the million odd loonies there. I should have taken some photos- there was these 2 guys at the train stn, one wearing a cape and a massive sword- like Lord of the rings, and another with a Bundeswehr ( German Army) Chemical warfare MOPP suit and gasmask- really!- it was hilarious- but anyway...I love Katoomba- like a small version of Newtown!

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG Matt ..... I just imagined you down the valley with snow almost on the ground!! That tent looks no bigger than a Barbie Tent!! Did you have to sleep on an angle to fit in??

Shame that more fish didn't come out to play with you .....m-m-maybe, it was just p-p-plain t-t-too c-c-cold!!!

Glad it was you & not me! Wasn't that the week they reckoned it was one of the coldest on record??

Gotta admire your determination - but hey, it was probably warmer than what you were used to up in the Arctic??



Keith is doing well, even put on a bit of weight so far! In Sydney again next week.

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