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Slinkymalinky, 3000 Posts

Ray R

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:yahoo: YEEHAA ! congrats to you buddy on reaching the 3000 post mark, you do a lot of work on here sorting and organising as well as your great fishing reports and top fishy shots.. :biggrin2:

Good onya Tony.. :thumbup:

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Bloody spammer!!! :ranting2::074:

I think I'll ban you right now. Oops I'd better wait until I get my rods off you!!! :biggrin2:

Seriously though, thanks for all your efforts mate. So much info, pics & laughs in those 3000 posts. Glad I've been a part of a few of them, even if you do give me heaps! :1prop:

Well done & bring on the next 3000!



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Congratulations on your latest milestone mate! :yahoo: There's a lot of fishing tips, reel maintenance tutorials and laughs in that lot. I look forward to a lot more of the same in the next 1000 :yahoo:



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Well done Slinky! :thumbup:

3000 quality replies and reports!

Your reel maintenance tutorials are great and very useful.

You have also done an excellent job on the records section.

Cheers and thanks


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Good work Tony :thumbup: 3000 excellent contributions too...you're one of the real characters of Fishraider, your advice is always sound and your friendliness just comes natural ....I hope you can find the time to get more fishing in so that you can keep us up to date with what's going on in the Gold Coast area


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Yeeha Tony - Congratulations on your 3000 most informative & helpful, if not hilarious posts ..... bananas & all!!!

Hey! Only 110 posts to go to overtake your passenger! :biggrin2:

Well done mate! Hope to catch up later this year ..... you know when .... fingers crossed!



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I didnt think it was humanly possible for someone to live long enough to acheive 3000 posts! - oh yeah I forgot about swordy!

I hope i live long enough to achieve 3000.

on a serious note, congatulations tony, you are a valued member.


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