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Beast Of A King On Bream Gear!


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Hi All

Went for a quick flick this afternoon at Birchgrove for some bream and ended up with one hell of a by catch.

No luck with the bream today, but I was stunned when my reel started to scream and the line was peeling off like there was no tomorrow. I had a 125 yards of 4lb fire wire and about 50 yards of mono backing. I started to worry on a couple of occasions when the actual spool could be seen through the mono. I almost got spooled twice! The fish eventually started to tire and I finally started to take some line back from him. Fortunately I had room to walk on the sand stone edge I was fishing from. It must have taken me on at least a 100m walk. 40 mins in to the fight the fish showed it self and it was a very decent King. I called it at about 80cm. I was now concerned on how I was going to land this fish and if the line would hold up. It was low tide and there was a section with some exposed oyster covered rocks....about a 1.5 meter drop from where I was fishing. I managed to climb down whilst still keeping the line tight. It's amazing what you can do when the adrenalin is pumping!!!! I managed to lead the fish close to me with the rod in one hand and the other hand ready to grab the fish. Heart was pumping at this stage. As the fish stuck its head out of the water the line could not bear the weight and I couldn’t believe it....ping! the bloody line snapped. Don't ask me how, but with a very quick reflex I managed to grab the fish in the nick of time. I couldn't believe the fish was finally in my hands.

The fish went 75cm and weighed 3.3Kgs.

I was using my Daiwa Tierra 7 foot MLFS (light rod) with a Daiwa Sol 2500 (These reels are worth their weight in gold!)

The Sol is spooled with 4lb fire wire and I was using a 6lb fluorocarb leader. I was using light jig head with a 3" minnow pumpkin seed Gulp.

Any one that has caught a decent king 65-90 cms knows what a fight they give on the heaviest of gear, so I was excited to say the least when I landed this thing.




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Great work mate,

Had similiar experiences this season using bream gear-but i am lucky enough to be in my boat-chase them with the electric motor-for sometimes over half an hour!Often losing them to boat hulls/structure etc. They are an amazing sport fish on light gear when over 65cm long! well done land based!

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Thanks for all the replies guys. This catch has certainly been my biggest fishing achievement. I am still pumped from yesterdays effort.

I have to say I have had a few practice attempts before yesterday’s catch.

In the past three months I have hooked up to something big 4 times including yesterdays. The first three times I eventually got smoked with out seeing the fish!



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