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Ray And Hutcho Off To Darwin On Sunday..

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, Hutcho and I will be up in Darwin next week for a spot of fishing.

First up is a 3 day charter trip out into the big blue followed by a couple of days

around the billabongs or rivers.

So I'll be off the site for a week enjoying fishing in Darwin with my best mate Hutcho.

See you when we return with a story and a few hundred pics.. :thumbup:

Edited by Ray R
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Have a great time, Ray & Hutcho - I know you will! Looking forward to the great pics already of some very toothy critters & big mouthed barra!

My girlfriend Kim is up there til mid August (lucky bugger!!) Also my brother & his partner live up there for most of the year. It's on our list to visit for next years barra season!!



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Guest rzep

Have a good trip Ray.

I look forward to reading your report and looking at your photos when you get back :thumbup:

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