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Lucanus Jigs


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i used one off pier 2 just for abit of fun, to get a feel for it and caught 2 legal flatties which spun me out abit... nonetheless i wasnt complaining havent really had the chance to use it over a reef yet

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Love em..

Lovely concept. All sorts of fish love em and why not

Only problem is when you snag up....

I've lost four so far over the Bare Is bombie...not complaining as I had a lot of fun, but......

(PS we weren't vertical jigging but drifting.)

How deep's ya wallet?

Any of you skindivers in the FR fraternity....

If you happen across any lucanus jigs lodged in the mouth of a 10KG groper on the bommie,

its probably mine and I want it back!




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there great but they have there problems

jackets love to eat the skirts off them

they can be replaced at around $5-6 a pop

have caught a few kings off the white one

mate has caught lots of leather jackets using them

best fished with a slow retrieve or just leave them in the rod holder and let the boat do the work

the red is supposed to be dynamite on snapper im yet to catch one tho

not that i ever target snapper tho

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Up until the last time I used one, I would have sworn they only catch rubbish fish. Jewhunter and I had seen a long succession of Goatfish, Rock Cod and other undesirables caught on them on my boat.

Then last time I tied one on I dropped it to near the bottom and was just talking to JH about what kind of reef ooglie was most likely to grab it when it got slammed by something unstoppable on the 30lb gear I was using. There is a big king or Amberjack somewhere on the gold coast with some nice lip-jewelery.

I reckon they have their place and seem to work best when you have no faith in them and just leave them sitting in a rod holder. :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi Slinky,

you are dead right mate.

The instructions say SLOW, really slow.

By the way Whats wrong with black spot goat fish??

I got one around 55cm out of the hole behind the reef inside south head in 1989.

Best fish I've ever eaten bar none!

and yes I know they aren't supposed to grow that big...wish I'd had a camera.



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We bought a few of them. First day we used it we just left it in the rod holder with the jig near the bottom. After a couple of hrs, the rod buckled over and we pulled up a just legal kingie. Haven't had any success since then. The guy in the tackle shop said he's caught quite a few rock cod and seargent baker with them.

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