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Blooded My New Lox Rod! But They Are Closing Off My Fav Lease!


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Hi Raiders

With Keith feeling a bit better, on Sunday, I was allowed a morning off duty, but didn't want to stay away too long, so figured 2-3hrs would be long enough.

Thought the tide would be better, but it was a really low 'high', so was very disappointed with it. The flats weren't firing & I'd left my blackie rod & cabbage back in the ute! As I've become very good at busting the tip off rods when I take 3 out .... so I only took out 2 (including my new 1-3kg LOX that I picked up in Sydney!) I was keen to try the new 'squid' lure too.


I tossed the little squid jig round but, not wanting to loose it in the racks, think it will do better along some of the deeper drop offs in the main channel. I also forgot to take my thumb brace, so was wary of too much rudder movement ..... and set about trying to catch something. Blackfish were EVERYWHERE & it was evident that I made the wrong call in leaving the gear in the ute.

Nothing was firing on the flats (altho ONE fish did a half hearted follow of the sammy) and so I moved into the racks to cast gulp in the hope of a nice bream. I headed out into 'The Paddock' and thought ...... hmmm, I am sure that fence looked different the last time I saw it ...... and I was right! Whereas it was easy for yaks to get into previously (and it was the lease I caught most of my nice bream back in Feb ......) now, the poles had all been lined up in a straight row, tho i still managed to get in.

Heaps of baby long toms and leather jackets were attacking the gulp, with about 1 packet being eaten by the damn jackets ....... and only one definite bream hit, that resulted in a bustoff! Bummer! The longtoms were too quick for the bream most of the time, I rekcon! I should have shoved the rod tip way under the water when I got the hit - as the LOX rod has a great strength but is still delicate enough to cast the lighter weight lures! It is also very light, so you can fish with it ALL day! I should christen it properly next time out with a keeper!!

Bigger tides in the middle/late week, so look forward to getting out again then. It was nice being on the water again - even tho it was a bit cold & started raining shortly after I came in again.........

A few days later .....

Well, this time yesterday, it was absolutely pouring down with rain & the possible 'fishing morning' as discussed with Dusky/Rex the evening before, was not going to happen!! So Rex came around for a cuppa & a chat instead! Then, bang on midday, the rain stops, the clouds disappeared, and we had brilliant sunshine & clear blue skies! WHat an amazing turnaround!!

Rex headed for home so that he would be home before dark (and hopefully the BAD traffic) and I loaded the yak up & took out my trusty Black Queen & the little bit of green weed that I had scrounged the day before ....... and the LOX (in case I spotted some breambos) and hit the water.

Back to the Paddock & where I had previously noticed that the poles around the lease had 'changed', there was now a washboard added with a solid timber surround :1yikes: ....... I fear this will become impregnable to yaks once they complete the job! :( I'll have to cultivate another lease or two! :1prop:

I chatted to an old fella who was blackie fishing from a boat & had 2 blackies in his keeper net ....... and after admitting that he'd been out since 9am :wacko: & had fished thru the rain for NOTHING & he said that he had only just caught the 2 fish in the previous half hour & that they'd gone 'off the bite' again!

There was barely a 'down' on my weed, so I chucked out a gulp shrimp on the LOX and before too long ...... I get a subtle take & notice the line moving towards the racks at a steady pace! I lift the rod tip to set the hook & feel the familiar 'shake shake' of a bream & fairly quickly & smoothly, bring it to the yak! A nice way to Blood my NEW 1-3kg LOX rod! Even tho it is a little stiffer in the tip, the pulling power of this rod has to be seen to be believed - and it still cast the shrimp a decent distance!! It has the finest 'tip' of any of my rods, yet would have to be amongst the strongest! I tested the next 2 classes of rods too & these would easily bring in mangrove jacks & Macks, jews & barra yet still lightweight but strong rods!! I reckon my 1-3kg LOX would as well, if there weren't too many snags around!!! :1prop: I have no doubt that I will be testing this some time into the future!! :biggrin2:

The bream went spot on 30cm & was put into the tucker bag, as I feel happier keeping the 'table sized' ones, rather than the big breeders (he he gotta catch 'em first, of course!)


Then a strong wind came up that made accurate casting in the leases difficult & after retrieving the shrimp from the top of an oyster rack a few times, I headed back to the Breckinbridge Channel, out of the wind, to chase blackies! I had a couple of very nice 'downs' but only hooked a couple of tiddlers, so packed up & headed for home. You have to agree, this was about as close as you can get to catching a blackie, tho!! :1yikes:


All up, a fun couple of hours in the yak on my favourite lake! It is blowing a gale here today & I reckon the wind is coming off the Barrington Tops, as it is FREEZING cold today!! No FIshing today, methinks!

CHeerio for now


Hope to get out again on Sunday to chase some flatties - so fingers crossed that the wind doesn't come up again!

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You're going to have a lot of fun with the Lox, Roberta. It's tip sensitivity, and 'low down grunt' make it the ideal stick for topwater antics in structure. Terrific to see you getting back out on the water, and to hear of Keith's encouraging recovery. The 'missed by THAT much' photo is a gem! :biggrin2:



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Nice to see you out fishing again, Roberta. Glad you eventually found a few fish but I hope you can find a new 'favourite rack' when the washboards are all up. Been a while since I've seen any blackies in your pics headed for the smoker. You'd better get into them or Keith will never forgive you. :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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Nice result Roberta :thumbup: .. good to hear that Keith is progressing along much better... It was bad luck you didn't bring a blackfish rod along... after seeing all those blackfish all gathered around together you must have been dribbling :biggrin2: ... Where are these modifications happening to the poles Roberta, can you still fish in around Barclays ok? By the way I like the sound of these lightweight Lux rods and their sensitivity and strength at 1-3kilos, they seem to have a pretty good reputation as a good quality light weight rod... it's always a pleasure to use well balanced light weight rods and they soon become favourites while the next best gathers dust... what are these Lux rods worth Roberta, are they made in Japan are they?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Sounds like abit of fun on the light gear. :) What lb leader do you run ? I'll go out this week and start getting some stuff for Forster.

The lox is a beautiful rod.

Byron mate i think there worth around 150-250 $ depending on which model you pick. But they feel better then a lot of rods in that price range. :1fishing1:

Edited by cut_loose
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Thanks Cut_Loose - yes, AND they include a quality Rod Tube as well! :) There are quite a few to choose from each style, too (eg the 1-3kg rod goes from about 6ft 6 thru to 7ft 6) and they are japanese high modulus carbon fibre! (copied that! :biggrin2: )

Very good value for $$, given the cost of other similar rods (pretty well double!) :1yikes:

I'm running 4lb Fireline Crystal on it (7ft 2" model) and love it!

I've only used mine twice so far, but it'll be getting an outing every time I go out from now on! :biggrin2:

....can you still fish in around Barclays ok....

Yes, Byron, you can still fish around Barclays - the modification is one in the middle of the Paddock, behind the bridge! :(

Check out these bruisers that I saw another day when I didn't have my blackie gear, either!! :1badmood:




Edited by Roberta
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Hi Roberta Congrats on christening the new Lox.

That's a nice bream there and the pic of those blackies is a cracker.

What brand of lure is that squid one it looks awesome is there much weight to it, keep us posted how it goes1fishing1.gif


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Hi Luke & Tristan - I think you'd like the LOX, Luke - very nice rod!! Let us know when you'll be up next - we could do 'the circuit' again - choose a high tide time!! Your outing together was AWESOME!!

I'll be hunting flatties with it this weekend, so hope to find some nice ones! :D

Hi Brad

Thanks - I hope to christen it some more on the weekend on some flatties! :biggrin2:

Aren't they gorgeous? They are called Yoshikawa yoki & come in 7g & 10g, possibly heavier. Some have real fish skin on as the 'back' and they go floppy when wet. They come in a variety of colours & shapes. I reckon they'd be great on snapper & even Jewies (or bream on the flats ..... possibly where there isn't too much weed.) I'll have to toss one around the end of the breakwall at the last of the runout & see if a jewie takes a liking to it!


They also do a squid jig that looks the goods




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I'll be hunting flatties with it this weekend, so hope to find some nice ones!

Saying that Roberta has just made a lot of fish very "nervous" in the Forster area! :074:

Another fantastic report Roberta and I hope you continue to have great success using the new lox rod. :thumbup:



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I got those Squid Jigs too Roberta there killers on squid. My mate uses them and cleans up everytime.

Those Squid lures are good on snapper. Just cast it infront of boat, Let it sink and just leave it on the bottom, Fish normally pick it up on the drop.

Be careful tho, Leatherjackets love them and at $7 a replacement skirt it dont work out cheap if there around.

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Hey Roberta

thanks for the coffee & chat - its always great to catch up with you & it was great to finally meet Keith. Glad he is on the mend. :yahoo:

I will be looking forward to my next "work" trip to Forster & hope the weather :1badmood: will be kinder to us so we can hit the water & compare our new rods. :fisher:

Edited by Dusky
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Hi Roberta, another top read, glad to hear that Keith is on the mend.

Nice little rod you have there hope it brings you plenty of critters,

top pics too I like the scale very close to a hook up there and what

about all those luderick just hangin' around, you should get into a

few of them..

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