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Cracker Jewfish Session


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Nice work dood, i was out on thursday night at a few little holes around the mouth of berowra creek and got nothing. Then again im far from an expert on the jews, but persistence will hopefully pay off.

Must be nice to catch a flathead the size of a dinner table and then head out for an 8x jew session a few days later. :thumbup:

Keep the good news coming!

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Thanks again guys for the nice replies!

Stippy: Your new Hobie should be a great weapon for Jewies! A mate called me while we were on the water and mentioned he watched a guy in a Kayak get towed around on a big Jewie for about 10mins! He was in the same waterway as us at the time.

Welsh Dave Everyone has a dud fishing session every now and again....and I surely have had some of those!!! :) I just love being out on the water....trying different techniques or learning new stuff....catching fish is obviously the goal. :thumbup:



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