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Harbour Fishing


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Hey guys I am trying to explore wharves at the harbour. I saw this cliffton garden pleasure ground looks nice, but i dont know if its fisherable there or not.

Also the wind this weekend goes as high as 30knots, and i be doing bread fishing with no weight.

I dont if i will be productive or not under that condition.

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Im assuming you would be fishing of the warf, if so i have heard of good fish caught off clifton gardens warf but it would be very slow fishing, and as for 30knot winds? Thants not my cup of tea, but a bad days fishing is better than a good day at work

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West Winds are really bad for fishing, as it bring lots of dust off the top of the mountains and showers it straight into the water, the fish go deep and go off the bite.

Clifton is OK, but its overcrowded and full of id10t's and drunk/stoners who have little or no respect for other anglers or the local area- there are better places to fish IMO that are less crowded and produce same quality fish as there does. Its a great spot for squid and yakkas though if you can squeeze in among all the other anglers with 50lines each running out- not ideal place to learn the local area if you ask me

Also, Clifton attracts a park use fee these days and you have to enter via gates and cannot exit without paying... if you are prepared to walk 1/2km down and up the hill you might be lucky to find parking on the road so you dont have to pay for parking, lol

There a nice wharf next to the Harbour Bridge (I think its called Jeffrey street wharf) and fishing is allowed 24/7 you just gotta make way for the commuters and ferry traffic, its a great spot for Bream and for catching yakkas, and have heard of other species taken from there aswell... all round a good spot...

There are plenty of other wharves around, and many will be packed out on weekends, you just gotta find a spot and hope for the best when you get there, but I dont fish Ferry Wharves anymore (and Ive fished them for ages with mates) simply because of the amount of people traffic and other anglers in those areas- highly overcrowded with people and many choose to keep undersized fish... I rather stick to my own spots and catch less fish but they are better quality and I dont have to worry about anyone else... I can assure everyone there ARE real secret spots inside the harbour that are virtually untouched by human hands and they produce good fish time after time, with some patience, good bait and some berley you will be well on ya way to a feed...and regularly!

Double bay is nice but be aware that some Ferry Wharves over the Eastern Suburbs its illegal to fish - or some have restricted fishing hours and they use CCTV to monitor activities on and off the wharves... Again if you want to try there make sure you obey any signage else you might be up for a large fine if you disobey local council and waterways.

Good luck locating a spot

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West Winds are really bad for fishing, as it bring lots of dust off the top of the mountains and showers it straight into the water, the fish go deep and go off the bite.

Clifton is OK, but its overcrowded and full of id10t's and drunk/stoners who have little or no respect for other anglers or the local area- there are better places to fish IMO that are less crowded and produce same quality fish as there does. Its a great spot for squid and yakkas though if you can squeeze in among all the other anglers with 50lines each running out- not ideal place to learn the local area if you ask me

Also, Clifton attracts a park use fee these days and you have to enter via gates and cannot exit without paying... if you are prepared to walk 1/2km down and up the hill you might be lucky to find parking on the road so you dont have to pay for parking, lol

There a nice wharf next to the Harbour Bridge (I think its called Jeffrey street wharf) and fishing is allowed 24/7 you just gotta make way for the commuters and ferry traffic, its a great spot for Bream and for catching yakkas, and have heard of other species taken from there aswell... all round a good spot...

There are plenty of other wharves around, and many will be packed out on weekends, you just gotta find a spot and hope for the best when you get there, but I dont fish Ferry Wharves anymore (and Ive fished them for ages with mates) simply because of the amount of people traffic and other anglers in those areas- highly overcrowded with people and many choose to keep undersized fish... I rather stick to my own spots and catch less fish but they are better quality and I dont have to worry about anyone else... I can assure everyone there ARE real secret spots inside the harbour that are virtually untouched by human hands and they produce good fish time after time, with some patience, good bait and some berley you will be well on ya way to a feed...and regularly!

Double bay is nice but be aware that some Ferry Wharves over the Eastern Suburbs its illegal to fish - or some have restricted fishing hours and they use CCTV to monitor activities on and off the wharves... Again if you want to try there make sure you obey any signage else you might be up for a large fine if you disobey local council and waterways.

Good luck locating a spot

Tight lines



thank you dude about the special spots, is in landbased or do u need a boat?=P

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  • 2 weeks later...

watsons bay wharf at night doesnt get that much traffic, at least wen i have gone squidding there. ive heard of ppl getting busted off by jewfish on the wharf 200m down (but its illegal there and u gotta do a bito climbing around a fence) but i rekon watsons is close enough and drops into ok water plus always has masses of bait. Give that a try. Free parking :)

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Greenich wharf, and valentia st wharf are both good spots to try as is balls head, blues point, huntleys point (gets really crowded) clifton gardens is a good spot and if the wharf is crowded just fish off the beach there (not inside the baths) or around on the headland..

plenty of places matey some just bit better than others

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i launch my boat at rose bay and catch my bait there too.. around 4am when i launch theres always tons of bait and fish hitting them. must be some big tailor and small jew in amongst them. have also seen people land flatties, flounder, bream, snapper and rays here..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick question regarding wannbefisho's post,

you wrote that entry to clifton is " enter via gates and cannot exit without paying"

is there some sort of gate/ticket system in place now?

about 5 months ago, which was when i was there last, you would just buy a ticket from the machine, has this changed now??

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