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Tough Day @ The Office


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Met up with Greg (Greg L) at Appletree Bay for a spot of surface poppering for bream and the conditions were great but alas the fishing was not :( Greg had one half hearted hit on a pink thing early and that was all she wrote in 4 hours of solid casting to every nook and cranny....So we ditched the surface gear and got out the blades and I got a nice hit and called it for a small tailor until it went past the boat at a million miles and hour and busted me straight off me thinks( big jew):mad3:

So it was off to try and temp a few Eps and low and behold we started to catch a few decent bream and by a few I mean 3 in total.

Then we both got a nice Ep each in the low 30s and then the flattie king took over and scored two real nice ones,nice fish G man!

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It will be really nice on the table later for Donna with a bit of salad.

So not a bad day out and great company as always G and the rain stayed away long enough for us not to get to drenched and home by 2.30 pm

Cheers Stewy

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Cheers Swordie for another fun day out on the water in trying conditions. 5 fish I wouldn't have caught if I sat at home watching telly :biggrin2:

Mate I think we tried near everything in the secret boxes of tricks today and I recon we couldn't have fished any harder. Can't help if the buggers didn't want to play the game too. There's always NEXT time ;)


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Bloody crazy waether ATM Jeff :1badmood:

This wind and cold is depressing and the boats just not getting used , She's starting to feel neglected.....

Lucky I got the long hair going, keeps my head nice and warm ATM :biggrin2:

Bring on the heat and airconditioning sales!


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STEWEY, i am really jelous in regards to "tough day @ the office".....

NICE crocodile......

Wish i had the time..... Started my new job and now i cant go out as much..... Not fair....

Looking forward to the next social, will need to book in Annual Leave.....

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I've been out for a couple of dusk hours the previous 2 Fridays, (Melbourne last week).

Got zip in Waratah bay, poppers/blades/SP's.

Only interest were a couple of plastics shredded, called for small tailor.

Have to try again this week, (and later into the evening, once I get lights installed).



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