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Next Trip Planning


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Hi all, i am not sure, is it this under right topic? But i put here some my toughts what i would like do my/our next OZ trip, when ever it is then. I believe that nex OZ trip is under next 3 years, when we stop pay our car in the bank :biggrin2: But lucky me, wondering is free, and many times dreams come tru if you really want(hope some of you visit here under next 3y?). Any way, planning is funny, and i hope that you give some comments and tips?

Any way, this is some toughts what i would like to do next trip, is it 2week or 4 weeks trip.

First 2-3 days on beach, one day Bondi and 1-2 day Botany Bay, drink some Jack Daniels cola and maby some shore fishing on Botany Bay and recover jet lag. Some bream fishing with Stewy, i hope so(and maby some viski tasting with Donna). Yak fishing on Nepean river, try get bass. Depence time,but i would like go tuna fishing on the sea, or some poppers fishing on some reef(i have never fishing with poppers). Flat head fishing in Forsters with Roberta and yaks (btw, iam really interesting yak or canoe fishing here too, but yak cost honey here, same price one person flight to OZ return trip.) And one thing what we didn´t done last time, we want spend one day on "bushes", and nature, hope seen OZ birds, maby some ~5km hiking and fresh water swiming/fishing. If it time go to more North from Forster, then maby some fishing with Grant, and more North, maby fishing with Slinky. Maby meet Ross Hunter some where, and fishing with him, or least drink some Shiraz and talking fishing lies. (btw, i did buy Yellow Tail Shiraz from finnish liquer store). If it is season, then trout fishing with my "uncle" "Mr Dalucius". Depence season again, maby some day seen OZ hunting with Dan. I would like see cricket and rygby game, and try cricket "stick hit". This is some toughts, and maby later coming more. ;)


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mate you can put down snapper and kingfish with brickman and forget beach fishing off bondi we'll do it in my boat

and as for bird life i live next to the bush and my balcony is in the tree tops so we'll have a good feed and you can feed the parots and latter feed the possoms then some drinks sound good jani

cherrs gary

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Ok thanks Gary :D . And we really planning now, that we come visit there again least October 2013 between April 2014 for 2-5 weeks, start save money now. Long time, but last trip we palanning about 3 years also. But what about fishing between October to April? What fish what time?

That Interesting, anything this fishes, so tell me what it is good season. And tell me what good fish i forget or did`nt know?

Bream, Flattie, Dorado, Kingfish, Tuna, Marlin, Slimey mackerel ;) , Bass, Trout, some Jack, amber or mangrove (Slinky told me that it is good fighter).

So allmoste every fish i am interesting, but what is it best chance get over 20kg fish? My PB fish is now 20kg atlantic cod, and in there is it better chance broke my own record that ever here.

BTW, do you eat slimey mackerel, and how big it can grow?


from -8`c Finland :frozen:

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jani there is always kingfish it the harbour and flathead bream as for slimmy macs they grow to about 250mm in sydney and we mainly use them for bait if your after somthing bigger than 20kg in sydney we should go shark fishing my boats only 5 meters so we can only go about 15km off shore if your visiting roberta we could meet and fish for makos off harrington in about 70meters deep cheers gary

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  • 2 weeks later...

...it would be an honour to take you out fishing again my good friend :yahoo:

Cheers Stewy

BTW, Last time, do yo remember...Firs casts nothing by soft plastics, then you sayd: "Now we put this pink smailing jacks, but if you get fish before me we leave home"...and ofcourse i get fish on next cast :D *lol* . And my casts, lure was all time on steel nets, and i :ranting2: by finnish all time. And i give small wise to you Stewy, belive me...give it sink first ;):mfr_lol:

Edited by JaniFIN
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