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Last Minute Luck (Spit Bridge)


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After completing a long semester at uni and getting a couple of days off work, I found it essential to head to middle harbour for a fish.... Got to the spit at 6:00am, fishing west of the bridge land based, I sent out pilchard pieces and instantly hooked a decent fish and 2 runs later fish separates from the hook..(assuming they were trevally) This happened 3 more times then things went quiet.. Decided to pack up at 8:00am as bites if any were only from small scavengers. As I was just about to leave my attention was drawn to a man on the bridge waving frantically and pointing into the channel..... My eyes lit up and blood rushed to my head as I saw fish jumping everywhere. When schools of fish are breaking the surface and when you are land based, time is of the essence. I lost crucial time trying to tie the braid directly to the lure as braid has low to no memory and sticks together making it hard to get the line through the loops to complete the knot. With a rushed knot I decided it was cast now or fix the knot and say goodbye to catching any fish.... I landed my first Bonito at 41cm (prob average size) on a small metal.. :biggrin2:

The schools died down after 20 minutes and slowly moved out of reach, into the middle of the channel. Amongst the bonito were a few decent Kingfish (my primary target) but couldn't get any hits..

Braved the wind and rain to get my first Bonitio.....

Happy Fishing (rain, hail or shine and WIND)

post-9391-007411700 1290147304_thumb.jpg

post-9391-099551100 1290147328_thumb.jpg *THE KEYS but not sure if i'm eligable to enter the competition

Edited by kris_katcher
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