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Botany Bay Heads - North

Aqua Naut

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Headed out on a splended day with a slight NE wind and 1mtr NE Swell. Water temp outside warming to 20.5 degrees and looking good for some surface action. Headed for Wedding Cake island off coogee and trolled around maroubra. Got stuck into some good Bonitos hitting surface poppers. Bagged 3 to 50cm. Did some bottom bashing using squid and bonito as baits. Caught several crap reef species such as Sergent bakers and rock cods and did pick up a small blue groper which were all realeased. Had plastics out and also used jigs but with no Kingie action. Some good returns on the sounder but a big fat zero in returning a good catch. At this time the NE kicked in which made fishing hard as the seas became very sloppy. Called it a day and headed home. All in all a great day and finally the rain stayed away. Tight Lines.

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