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Snapper Success


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I hit Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne a couple of Friday's ago with a couple of clients. Things started slow but man when snapper turn up they appear in big numbers....once we found them we bagged out in 2.5 hours.

Being a NSW boy my best was a pinky to about 38cm todate.....happy to say I smashed that record in a big way.

I'm a pretty big plastics fan these days I kind of felt like I was cheating by using bait, but when in Rome...the Charter guys were awesome and for those that have seen some the fishing shows that are based out of Melborne we went out with the guy they refer to as 'The Genie' (Mods that is not his real name nor his charter name but if I'm over stepping the mark I can remove that comment).

Needless to say that client is happy for a while but perhaps I'd better make double sure and take them out again this time next year.....very jealous of the Snapper they get down there, next time I think I might try and whack a couple with the plastics.

MY New PB Snapper @ 70cm

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We managed some great fish

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Edited by Poddy Trapper
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