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Father & Son Fishing Trip


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Hey Fishraiders,

The reason i am so addicted to fishing today is probably becasue my Dad used to take me when i was younger. In fact, when i was born he bought me a shirt which said "dad's little fishing mate" which is still in my drawer today.

Unfortunately he is extrememly busy with his business and rarely finds the energy to get out on the water.

Last sunday i arrived back in the afternoon after fishing with my girlfriend. She was keen to get out after her uni exams and we had good day with 4 kings (three being legal, the largest 80cm). Dad made the comment i didn't take him out and i quickly reminded him he is always welcome and is usually too busy.

So we organised a trip for the following week (this weekend). It was not to be an early start as he would be buggered from the week.

We launched at 1:30pm and cruised out to pick up some squid. It was slow, but not too bad considering how dirty the water was. We had a close run in with some stooge in a yacht who decided to jibe into our drifting boat. I quickly started the engine and got out of the way. I had a few kind words with the skipper and he said we were in their course. I then reminded him he didn't own the harbour and he was coming last by about 200m anyways! By 4:30 we had a few squid and went looking for areas that were holding some warmer water (given the cold stuff coming in through the heads).

We fished a nice dropoff with the downriggers in MH. I was the first to hookup and landed a nice fish of 82cm.

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We then had a couple of hits from annoying tailor which mauled our hard earned baits :ranting2:

Dad missed a fish and then on the next past hooked up solid. I also got hit but missed the fish as my primary aim was for dad to get a fish on board. He played it out and landed another fish of 82cm. He was impressed with the fight (he brought me up catching predominatly bream, flathead and whiting) and it was his best ever kingfish.

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Great day out! We also got a couple of smaller fish that we there back.

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Good on ya, i owe my fishing passion to my father as well.. But yeah after 11am some of those yachts become a bit aggressive, turning meters before your boat, had a few words with a couple of them even though they have amazing direction changing capabilities (To close for my liking). Great to see you got some kings in these horrid conditions. When will the harbour conditions change??? Its already summer

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Yea, thats the new boat. 450 Topender.

I used to sail competitively myself in a laser. Its all well and good to cut it tight around your rounding marks and fellow competitors but its just stupid to cut soo close to other boats who are trying to relax.

The water is much colder than last year (currently about 3 degrees colder according to CSIRO Satellite imagery) and the kings have not showed up in big number yet. This time last year there were HEAPS of kings around!!!!

Hopefully it will warm up and things will fire up soon!

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Well done guys!

I hate loosing hard caught squid to taylor...... I hate it even more when a salmon takes my downrigged live squid. Its only happened once but ooohhhhhh that sambo was so close to giving me a reason to try eating salmon again!!! :ranting2:

I recently bought my first boat and lie you dad taught me how to fish (well sort of) so now its time to return the favour!!! Hopefully ill be able to get him and my sister onto a king so the understand this passion of mine that takes up half my waking hours!!!

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Well done, excellent fish there!

I too was taught how to fish by my dad and remember going out with him when I was a young kid and catching the occassional Kingy!

He's older, or should I say elderly now and I try to get him on the water once or twice a year and we both still love spending time together.

Go those Kings and long live the fishing sessions with our dads!

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You do get legal snapper off the heads. Some days they are holding in close and other days you will pick them up on the broken reef a bit wider.

Get yourself some plastics or very freshly caught squid. It is amazing the difference in results you will get with fresh bait.

The water reached 22 a day or two ago but now its plummetted back to the mid 18s!!! I hope it heats up sooner rather than later.

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