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Groper Fishing


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First time i heard using cooked prawn for bait. Probably give a try if its work. I usually caught drummer instead of groper when i use green prawn but it also happened once or twice to hook groper by green prawn. Also I have to use very good quality hook to catch groper as it is a hard fighting creature and always bend and open my hook using their hard rock teeth.

Cheers phil

It is good to use good quality hooks but in my experience it becomes very costly. I'm not sure of how everyone else fishes for Groper but I tend to get snagged up ALOT and using expensive hooks makes it not worth it at all. I personally have never caught one but have seen people catch them. Then again it's personal preference, maybe I might start using top quality hooks when a Groper straightens mine.

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Hey Pongrass18ft, dont suppose you'd be able to show me where that is? as i kind of promised my missus she could catch one but dont like the idea of fishing them all out of one area if you get me.... i looked it up and im not quite too sure.. and no i didnt have any hooks pull this time solid solid jaw hook up! THANK GOD! i think i would have cried if the hooks pulled again...

and honeslty i'd never heard of cooked prawns for bait only for burley but im telling you im a firm beleiver now.. they worked a treat!

and good quality hooks are a must! i was using the thickest hook i could find in that size and i still wasn't confident in it.. honestly thought there was another one swimming around that made mine look small and i honeslty think it would have made me go waterskiing if i'd hooked that one with a locked up drag it would have been funny.. :wacko: it's honestly just cool to get shown a new type of fishing and come up gold in it.. really a solid adrenaline rush good to get that feeling back after it being so quiet on the shark front for me lol :biggrin2:

and yes im still smiling like an idiot :thumbup:

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Thanks again everyone for all the great comments! Now my missus has seen and tasted the groper she wants one of her own for her hall of fame... Apparently next weekend she will knock me off my perch... It'll be funny if I accidentally muck up the gaff shot ha ha ha

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Hey there guys again i've been asked abit about where i caight the groper and it was just off to the right of flint and steel beach on the rocks there its a hell of a walk but so worth it! :biggrin2::biggrin2:

but from what i understand anywhere through cowan creek and the surrounds produces the goods just obviously the more secluded and harder to get to the less the pressure is on the fish

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from the main platform of flint and steel its another good ten minute walk so you'll be walking around an hour to get to it.. lugging all your gear and so on and then carrying the extra weight of the fish back with you aswell,

so you gotta plan it outright and take plenty of water and so on..

but seeing as how my mate the other day managed to pull a blue groper off of blues point i dont think you should have to travel far to gte one.. i guess its just test the spots out

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  • 10 years later...
4 minutes ago, Koalaboi said:

The groper Steve-o refers to is most likely a very much loved local by everyone who lives, swims, surfs and snorkels in the area.

Honestly, I would not like to be the person who caught this feller if anyone from the area saw me!!


On day it might eat a small child!

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1 hour ago, Steve-o said:

There's a giant blue groper at least a metre long maybe a metre and a half or more, that lazily swims around Bass and Flinders point on occasion, right at the base of the rocks less than two metres out.

Best of luck. It's a monster. 

At that size it'd be pretty well uncatchable! The population there must be healthy as if the the big dog is that big.

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8 minutes ago, SquibblyDibbly said:

At that size it'd be pretty well uncatchable! The population there must be healthy as if the the big dog is that big.

I could not believe it when I first saw it, the way it was so close to shore, the way it was so unafraid, and just how massive it was.

I assumed someone had put it there for a TV commercial or something (but onlynl three of us were there) or the fisheries research office right next door up the road (now closed) put it there for research. 

I did not think it was a naturally occurring thing at all.

It had a very artificial feel about it.

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You'd be  surprised where they turn up. Biggest one I ever saw was at Warumbul in SW Arm- it was a giant. There are some big ones up in Cowan in similar terrain. Often wondered what their primary food source is in locations like that.

 Plenty of huge ones around the lower harbour ledges as well at spots like Dobroyd, Middle Head, Grotto Point, there's a couple of "tame" ones at the Gasworks that the divers can swim with. Koalaboi is right- you wouldn't want to be the one that killed one, just too awesome a creature

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