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Fish Certainly Know How To Wake Me Up


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Hey again guys, i'd thought i'd let you in on the fun i had this morning and explain how i woke up :P.

Woke up at about 10am and following yesterday's unforgettable bream on fly capture, i was at it again hoping to snatch another one. The problem today was that it was quite windy meaning casting was a challenge and very soon, things didn't look promising on the fly fishing basis. But out of the corner of 'fish spotting' eyes i noticed an unusual amount of seagulls sitting bunched up in the water. So, i keep watching until... The surface erupts! fish flying everywhere and anywhere. So i say, screw this! Grab my bream rod with some lures, including a very special lure that i made myself when i was in the middle of my bream obsessed phase.

Now this lure i made, was a walk the dog type of lure made out of my cricket bat, and i spent hours and hours sanding, filing, shaping to make it perfect and hopefully score some topwater bream or maybe even a bass. Unfortunately, i hadn't caught anything on this until today, cause i looked through my lure box and thought "ooOOoo this could be a great way to finally christen this lure!"

Anyway, so i borrow the neighbours kayak, hop in and i was in the action in about 3 seconds flat! By the looks of the splashes and fish launching i had a hunch they were bonito, but i spend i fair bit of time getting the kayak in position, fighting the hurricane of wind and dodging big ferries before i could get a decent cast in. These fish were everywhere! and definately hungry, but it looked like they were feeding on tiny little whitebait or eyes and most of them would go charging for my lure but then turn at the last moment... :BangHead: Anyway, i keep persisting until WOOOFTA! A huge burst right behind my lure resulted in my first hook up on my homemade lure! i could tell it was a bonnie by it's short but fast runs and circling motions. They were great fun on my Sol 2000 and 6lb line and soon enough i landed my first fish on my homemade lure, WHAT A FEELING! I was wondering why this fish took my larger lure and the others didn't until i found a tiny, tiny little tailor in his mouth that was the exact size of my lure (please tell me i can't get done by fishereis for being in posession of an undersized tailor! :P). Anywhoo, i paddle back onto the lawn chuck the fish on the grass and take some quick snaps. Then, back out i go, i switched to a mini chrome slice this time and land another 5 in the space of about 30 mins, until the surface goes a little quiet. Except for a couple of little boils and rises here and there, i cast into them out of curiosity and it didn't take too long until i felt something hitting my lure, but no hook up... i wind it back to the side of the kayak to cast again, and a big salmon takes the lure right next to my yak! It put up a good but short fight because on it's first jump, it shakes the lure :( Not managing to cath anymore, i head back with one bonnie for bream bait. Whaaaaat a way to start the dayy! I couldn't be feeling better to finally catch something on a lure i made!

Anyway, just thought i'd share my morning with you :P

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