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Floods, Bugs And Murray Cod


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G’Day all

A late report regarding my recent sojourn to Lake Mulwala. The trip had been 8 months in the planning and went through more alterations than Elizabeth Taylors’s wedding dress. We were originally going to fish the Wakool River near Koondrook and stay in the hut that we’d utilised in Jan, but a ‘fish kill’ in that river, and torrential rains, put that plan to rest, so Lake Mulwala became the next venue of choice. The Mulwala Cod Classic is run on the first weekend in December. We opted to fish the lake without participating in the event, but conducted our own ‘tournament’, complete with trophy.

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This year I was accompanied by my nephew Mark. Mark had never used Spinnerbaits, never fished Lake Mulwala and never seen or caught a Murray Cod. The fishing reports coming out of the lake were not encouraging, and indeed the weather looked like it was going to force us to re-think the whole weekend. On Thursday at 6pm the decision was made to gamble on the weather and see what happened. :1prop:

We set off at 6am, with constant weather updates from my brothers. “Dad can’t make it now because the highway is cut between him and Mulwala”. “Wagga Wagga experiencing major flooding”. “Bundalong side of Mulwala has been closed to camping due to flooding”. Not exactly encouraging messages for two blokes travelling 7.5 hours to wet a line! Half way between Bungendore and Murrumbateman we encounter flood water 2m high, and needed to backtrack through Canberra to continue on our way.

The first four hours of the trip we’re bombarded with rain and seriously questioning the wisdom of our decision. Lo and behold, the rain clears (ironically as we pass Lake Burrinjuck) and things are looking terrific! Two hours pass uneventfully, when suddenly, dozens of little missiles start striking the windscreen … locusts! At this point I am seriously wondering if someone upstairs is trying to send me a message!

We finally arrive at our campsite on the bank of the lake and exchange pleasantries with the rest of our happy band. Both my brothers and their sons and a pair of life-long mates had established a comfortable campsite and had the boats launched awaiting our arrival. After a cold ale and the usual family banter it was decided to hit the water for a session before dinner. Rods and tackle were loaded into the boats and off we went … just in time to get hammered by a 30 minute torrential downpour! :1badmood:

Shortly after the rain ceased, we heard a whistle across the water. On his second cast in search of Murray Cod, my nephew had achieved success. All of a sudden, travel weariness, sodden clothing and weeks of amended plans were justified. Handshakes and photos ensued; everyone celebrated in Mark’s achievement. At 56cm it was a good fish; well conditioned with deep colors and bright markings. A couple more cod were caught over the next few hours and another prolonged deluge once we returned to camp could do nothing to dampen the mood of the campsite.

Erratic winds and heavy boat traffic for a majority of the weekend meant trolling options were minimal. Locals were reporting poor numbers of both cod and yellas, with nothing coming out of deep water. Water clarity was very poor due to an influx of floodwater so Spinnerbaits with dark skirt colors (black/red or purple/black) were the order of the day. The first two cod caught on Saturday morning struck very high in the water column, with one fish taking the spinnerbait inches from the surface. Willow leaf blades were swapped for colorados, to ensure a slower sink rate and therefore prolonging the time spent in ‘the zone’.

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This configuration accounted for all but one of the cod captured for the weekend, with the one exception being caught on scrub worms by the youngest member of our family group (well done, Ayden). 90% of the fishing was done in shallow water, casting at standing or submerged timber. Water ‘boils’, surface strikes, bustoffs and near misses were the order of the day. Another 8 cod were boated and released, which was a terrific effort given the feedback from other fishos.

Sunday’s weather was a repeat of Saturday. Spinnerbaits ‘slow rolled’ amongst the timber were knocked in territorial warning or engulfed in brutal attacks. Hooks were bent out of shape, wire was twisted and rods and reels were tested. More bustoffs and near misses occurred but in noticeably fewer numbers. Fewer fish were landed, and the total capture only tallied 19 for the weekend. Once again the sizes were mediocre, with our fish ranging from 40cm to 61cm. That said, an undersize fish of 57cm is around 7lb of muscle and attitude, which provided great entertainment and frustration in the snags.

Mark had a dream introduction to cod fishing, catching numerous fish and tying with my younger brother for the trophy. The weather was very hot and humid for the majority of the weekend, but the drinks were cold and the company was bloody fantastic. I would like to thank Dave66 for his generous donation of some of his terrific home-made Spinnerbaits. Next time you’re down my way I will return the favour Dave!

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Buddha - joint trophy winner

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Buddha's son Kyle

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Mark - joint trophy winner

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Hodgie and his son Ayden

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The 'real' Hodgey :biggrin2:

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Sensational stuff,Skip :yahoo: I was reading that post and felt like I had a hit on a spinnerbait :biggrin2:

I have to get down there with you guys sooner than later me thinks as murray cod are on my list of must catch fish species.

Great report again mate.

Cheers Stewy

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Jeez! You're making me jealous Skip!! :wacko:

Great report mate on a great trip. It makes our lack of fish in Monduran look pathetic. Especially after the conditions you had to deal with.

Well done & congrats to all involved. :thumbup:



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Brilliant report Hodgey! :thumbup:

You all must be pleased that the trip went ahead. Nineteen fish for the weekend (despite the "setbacks") is a great result. :thumbup:

How well do the cod fight? They look "heavy" and "powerful". Can you compare them to barra? Having never fished much freshwater, what line/leaders etc were you using amongst that submerged timber?



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Mate cracker report and fish in tough conditions...must have a shot a yella or cod one day....love the Trophy and congrats to the winners, sounds like it won't be long before Ayden and Kyle start knocking you blokes off the podium (I know the feeling of youth breathing down your neck). Ahhh road trips with mates, tough to be beat.

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Love the story buddy, top shelf stuff. Mate you were lucky with the weather as well as could be expected anyway, some nice fish there Hodgey, congrats on a top weekend.

Looks like you made it back just in time with all that flooding going on at the moment..

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Nice one hodgey and good to see you managed a few of those lovely green fish.

With most of NSW impoundments at 100% i think we are going to be in for a treat over the next few years fishing for natives. It is probably the only good thing that will come out of these floods.

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Glad to see those spinnerbaits working for you Hodgie, makes a bloke a little homesick seeing all those cod pics. Did you manage to lose many in the skinny water? Did that secret orange colour catch a fish?

I have to agree with Moro Mou, with some of the reports I am already getting from Victoria, the fishing down there will be good for a while to come. Heard one reliable report from Eildon of a mixed bag of 70 redfin and yellas on the same homemade vibe in 2 days until the lure was lost. Cheers Dave.

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