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Congrats To Tuross Brown


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G'Day all

I was sitting at the computer this morning when Mark phoned and said "Could you bring your camera down to the boat ramp please?" Jumped in the car and found Mark grinning like a Cheshire Cat, standing over a sizable lump buried under a soaked towel. :biggrin2: Laid out the Measure of Success, prepped the camera and took some happy snaps for him:

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Mark had hit the water this morning armed with the same outfit he had been using for the cod apparently (including 20lb leader). The fish was caught on soft plastic. Once the photo session concluded, she was whisked around to the boatshed to be weighed and came in at a staggering 7.25kg! :1yikes: The fish was released at the boat shed for someone else to enjoy.

Congrats on a superb fish mate :yahoo:



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