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Patonga and Ettalong - now with photo!


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First time out in ages so i havnt had a lot to report for a while. On Sunday I hit the ramp at patonga a bit after 6. Headed out around the point and the motor conks out. Looked down and then petrol tank had caved in, fogot to release the vent valve! That's what happens when you are out of practice! Then the damn thing wouldn't start. Tried everything. Put the anchor out and threw a couple of poddies over the side while I was figuring out what was going on and hooked up to a nice salmon! Tried for a bit longer on the motor but no good. I think I damaged the fuel line and it was sucking air. Tried lifting the tank to prime the line, but still no good. Another fisho saw I was having trouble so he offered me a tow. Thinking I wasn't going to use them I thanked him by offering over my poddies. back at the ramp by brother turned up after his trip from campbelltown. Then I found the reason I couldn't get it started was I'd flicked the stop switch in my frrenzy to get the motor going. Turned it back on, lifted the tank, pulled to start, and we were away!

Putted around and tried a few starts all good. Just to be safe we headed just to the point. Figured we could paddle back from there. After a fairly long session in the boat we headed back to the ramp at 11 with 7 flatties around 40cm and a bream. I gave the salmon to the kids as they were the easiest to fillet. I've read a lot that salmon don't taste any good but to my surprise the kids ate them, and they Are normally pretty fussy. I had Bit And I thought they were ok as well for the record!

A quick trip to pick up a new fuel line and I was set for the next outing.

Tuesday morning and my other brother cme up for a drift around ettalong. Didn't do quite as well numbers wise. Managed 4 keepers, BUT, I landed a 72cm model on a simple lump of Pilly dragging behind the boat. Gave her a kiss and sent her back to provide lunch for us next year she was pretty fat and full of eggs so I just couldn't keep her. My brother also hooked up to something huge. we pulled up the lines and fooled it around for a while he got too excited and gave it a bit too much on the drag and it busted off. It could have been a bit ray, but i guess well never know, could have easily have been the 10kg Jew fish we are looking for!

All in all a great way to break the drought.

I'm posting on my new iPad and I can't figure out how to download the photo of the flattie. Will add it later if i can get it sorted!


I'm posting on my new iPad which I havnt really worked out yet, will post the pic of the flat tie when I've got it sorted. 7cb9cf43-ee6b-bd42.jpg Wow! Tapatalk works!

Edited by GarryL
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It could have been a bit ray, but i guess well never know, could have easily have been the 10kg Jew fish we are looking for!

After 1 week, that story will now become "that 10kg jewie which snapped our line and got away" :lol:

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Looks like it was well worth it in the end with a good bag of flathead,As for the salmon they taste great i usually cut them into cutlets and marinade with olive oil, lemon,wholegrain mustard and straight on to the barbeque DELICIOUS.In some countries they would do back flips to catch fish like our salmon i think we are spoiled for choice and need to appreciate what we have on offer.

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