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Saturday Night Jew


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Hi all,

Sitting here under Capt Cook Bridge at 8:50pm.

Have landed one Mulloway of 55cm on a live yakka about an hour ago.

3 lives out - 2 under floats and one on a sinker.

I'll post again if there is any other action.


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Love the live feed! Keep the updates coming with a fish doubling the last!!

This is crusher's son speaking now

5 boats on the eastern side of captain cook bridge and 2 or 3 on the other. I didn't get the first as scheduled because mother called. Don't you just hate rod grabbers!

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Excellent live feed is great

Photos please too :thumbup:

Still crusher's son speaking

Got photos but can't load them via the iPad. Photos will be up tomorrow. Another species to add to the jewie, a kelpus gigantus! Having fun listening to Ross Hunters music.

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Hmmmmm but you arn't shark fishing are you now.........

No, Marlin Fishing actually ;)

No further action on the fish front. Don't expect anything now until the tie change at about 1am.

Haven't seen any other fish caught on other boats.


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Nice night to be out there....what sort of boat are you on?

I'm just sitting here at home waiting until 4am. I planned to get out earlier but realised too late that I have no bait, :ranting2: and the bait shop doesn't open until 4:30am.

so... can't sleep.... done the washing.... emptied the dishwasher... hmm...I'd make someone a lovely wife! :biggrin2:

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Nice night to be out there....what sort of boat are you on?

I'm just sitting here at home waiting until 4am. I planned to get out earlier but realised too late that I have no bait, :ranting2: and the bait shop doesn't open until 4:30am.

so... can't sleep.... done the washing.... emptied the dishwasher... hmm...I'd make someone a lovely wife! :biggrin2:

It is a nice night. A shower of rain just passed through and the radar shows more coming in the hours ahead.

Just landed a second Jew. A barely legal 50cm that took that bait from right under the Boat as I set it. The young bloke will be disappointed when he wakes up as he was next strike.

Have moved to the western side of the bridge as the tide is turning. Hanging due north but due to the light southerly breeze.

I'm on a 7m plate boat.

Now, where's that BIG jewie.......



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post-13950-099498700 1294568816_thumb.jpg

Well done guys, keen to be in the rain or must have good shelter on the boat. Was out there tonight outside the heads, wasn't very good out there, wheather was ok to my surprise, came in at 10pm fished to 12.30am for a Jew with no results anyway good luck to the rest of this morning. Cheers cg.

Yes, we had shelter from the rain in the cabin and under clears and a hard top.

We got 4 fish by the morning. All caught on the changes of tide - 8pm, 1am, 5am and 6am and taken on 4kg mono pre-test. All fish took the suspended baits under floats.

48cm - 67cm were the sizes - the largest was 2.5kg.

Would have liked one larger specimen but can't complain it was a great night and will give it another go soon if better fishing elsewhere doesn't present itself.


Edited by Crusher
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