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Fishing Forster with young Kirkby!


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A few years ago, I met up with Kirkby/Steve - a young bloke with a passion for fishing! He saves up all his pocket money & spends it on fishing tackle - rods, reels & lures - and most holidays are spent on or near water, to feed his passion! His last couple of Xmas holidays has been spent in Yamba, but this year, came back to Forster!

He made contact the other day to say they were back in Forster for a week & was keen to catch up for a fish, breakwall or yak - but it has been too wet & windy pror to Thurs to even think of getting out!

With a break in the weather yesterday, we decided to hit the Breck Channel ..... until I saw it an hour before out 'scheduled trip'! It was a very low tide & full of Fizz boats, so I changed the venue to The Keys instead!!

We had a much more sedate time of it over there - we had a go around the moored boats for no joy, then moved into the canals, tossing topwater & shallow diving lures towards the jetties & boats - for lots of hits & occasional small bream hooked! You could see multiple bream 'follow' the lure out from under the jetties & boats. Make sure you bring your Polaroids next time, Steve!!

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I missed a couple of good hits (or should I say, the bream missed the hooks!! ) I changed to a black sammy & another hit!

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It was the first time that Steve had fished from a yak & he immediately saw the benefit of having a 'hands free' hobie, from a regular paddle yak, especially in water with a current and/or wind!

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Another canal & I change to a 3" grub & get a better specimen! Steve is in the background.

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I hadn't really fished the Canals since just before Xmas last year! About 6 months ago, they'd dredged the main channel into The Keys, resulting in a lot of silt being deposited in the 'less active' parts of the system, covering the weed beds. Last time I fished there, I caught NOTHING, so after reading of the return of dolphins to the Canals in the last month or so, that had to be a good sign!! Where there are dolphins, there are fish! :biggrin2:

All up, a fun 4hrs on the water with Steve - he had some good hits & nibbles, but couldn't convert them to hookups - next time!! Shame that flattie got off - your rod had a SERIOUS bend in it! :(

I wonder if he puts in a new Xmas Pressie request for 2011? A hobie Sport yak!!? I am sure I was taller that you last time we met!! :1yikes:

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The channel behind us is the one that was dredged - it separates the Keys from the Main Lake.

Hopefully we'll be able to get into some better fish next time you come up, Steve!!



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Next visit, Steve, we'll just put in at the Rec Club on the lake right behind Blueys!!

I fished with a couple of mates there yesterday & caught heaps of small bream on sammys and NW52s, including a nice 36cm breambo! :biggrin2: He took a bit of line & I ended up chasing him in the yak, as he kept hooning away from me for some reason! :wacko:

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I'd never fished there before, but I WILL BE BACK!! Also, we weren't harrassed by boaters! :thumbup:



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