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Forster, Beach and LBG fishing


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Hey raiders,

heading up to forster from the 23rd till the 30 of Jan and keen to do alot of fishing mainly off the beaches but off the rocks as well.

I will be targeting jews off the beach mainly but will be taking a rod capable of handling some big kings off the rocks. I have fished there a few times and have a few spots i will try.

but i was wondering whether there would be a chance of any Northern blues off the rocks or is it the wrong season, and how has the beach fishing been???

Any help would be much appreciated


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Hi Dave

The Beaches around Blueys/Elizabeth can be good for jewies and bigger fish from the rocks - both ends of Elizabeth have good rocks. The southern end of Seven Mile Beach has good rocks for bream & bigger (the same road that takes you to The Ruins Camp Ground .... it is National Parks land - not sure if you have to have a sticker or pay for parking tho!) Northern end of Seven Mile beach - follow the track of the outlet pipe - looking south is better for tailor & jewies, on the other platform looking north, more drummer etc.

Haven't heard of any blue fin being caught from the rocks, but have seen them myself a few years back (maybe 6-7) when a school came round the northern tip of Seven Mile Beach (Janey's Corner) when I was fishing for Tailor. I chucked a pillie at them as they hooned past, chasing a school of bait/tailor ....... and hooked up!! :1yikes: It was all over in a second - my drag was done up way too tight (from hauling tailor up the rocks) and I was busted off (14lb wouldn't have lasted long anyway & nowhere to land it, so a reprieve anyway, I think!!)

Just be careful out there if on your own!! Secure your car & make sure nothing is 'showing' as some scumbags do target these areas! :1badmood:

Where are you staying? If at Forster Beach Caravan Park, Chris often has the 'good oil' on what is happening on the water!! Also, Fishraiders get 10% discount!



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Hey Roberta,

Thanks for the reply, i have been around forster alot, but usually for surfing, i always camp at the southern end of seven mile at the ruins camp site. But this time i am staying just south of the Golf course in a house. I have read that it is quite a good place to LBG from for Tuna. i tried last year off the southern point of seven mile but had no luck, i did see a pretty solid king tho!!!

I was going to target Jews off Blueys beach primarily as thats where a friend of mine told me to go, thanks for giving me the other locations, its good to have a couple of spots to go to.

I would have thrown a pillie at the Tuna too if it had swam close to me, there is nothing like hearing it tear line off your reel. unlucky about the line snapping, but like you said, 14lb line you were a bit under gunned. You never know tho, i have heard of guys landing tuna on lighter gear than that!!!!

Hopefully i get my first jew, i have been trying for the better part of a year, will put up photos of what i get


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Hey raiders,

heading up to forster from the 23rd till the 30 of Jan and keen to do alot of fishing mainly off the beaches but off the rocks as well.

I will be targeting jews off the beach mainly but will be taking a rod capable of handling some big kings off the rocks. I have fished there a few times and have a few spots i will try.

but i was wondering whether there would be a chance of any Northern blues off the rocks or is it the wrong season, and how has the beach fishing been???

Any help would be much appreciated


Hi Dave,

As Roberta said i would try the southern end of Elizabeth beach of the rocks. Park the car and walk in until your out the very front of the point. It takes a while to get there. I would go for a walk to check it out during the day so you can work it out. Quite a lot of good size jew come from this area. Another spot is the Tuncurry side break wall. Fish the river side on the last hour of the runout tide. Look for the eddies after the last bend of the breakwall where the channel marker is, not too far out from the wall (20 meters max). Live bait or plastics for jew. You will lose some rigs so have some pre made. For live bait herring, tailor, yellow tail or pike. Catch your bait either at the break wall or under the bridge at night and take it with you. My biggest Jew of 18kg was caught on live Pike from the breakwall a few years ago. Look for scales on the ground to see if anyone has had any luck. You will need a gaff as some very big Jew come from here. Good luck and lets us know how you go.


AKA Mr Squid

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