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Pumicestone Passage 20/5

Ken A

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This afternoon I manged to duck out while my visitors were having lunch & coffees etc & I headed around to the ridge for a short session. Conditions were pretty good but the SE wind was a bit of a problem. Amazingly it dropped off completely while I waded out. :biggrin2: The wind god was smiling on me :badair:

I was off to a good start with a 32cm Bream first throw & over the following hour or so I managed another 5 good Bream & a 61cm Flathead before the mobile rang & I was ordered to return home :1prop:

The best Bream went 37cm & the smallest 32cm. 4 were taken on the mighty SX-40 in colour 306 & 1 bream & the flathead were taken on a Deception Paleamon. ( I'm doing a kind of SX-40 versus the rest test while the Bream are about :biggrin2: )

I kept 3 Bream & a Flathead for a fish barby tomorrow night. A "BBB" night. Barby Bream & Beer :1prop:

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careful that other chap doesn't berate you for keeping too many fish

I don't kill large quantities as I don't freeze fish so just a few to munch does me & the old man. There's nothing wrong with me or anyone else here doing that.

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Well done chief ... a couple of better size fish there.

I had 2 males and 1 female in my haul from the day before and the female was quite full already. I think we'll start seeing bigger fish and better hauls in the next week or two. :thumbup:

Enjoy the BBB mate :1naughty:


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I don't kill large quantities as I don't freeze fish so just a few to munch does me & the old man. There's nothing wrong with me or anyone else here doing that.



that is exactly our policy. We only take what we intend to eat fresh



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Onya Ken, after all your reports and success with the SX 40 I went down to the local tackle store with the intentions of adding one to my lure collection and giving them a go, you know what, they didnt have them! Oh well, looks like I'll have to stick with the fly, such is life.

BTW, with you and Swoffa copping a bit lately on C & R, although mostly in jest I'd imagine, it looks like everyone is at least concerned about the state of the fisheries at the moment.

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