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Long Reef Saturday


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Hi all,

Before i start i would like to thank, browney1,Robofish,Slink & rads. last week i asked for some advise on where and how to to fish at Long Reef and i must tell you all i wasn't disappointed. we started at Balmoral around 5.30 am collected some live bait & headed up. we tried a few reefs around the area for some Reds but no luck only a few small fish and assorted reef species. so around 8.30 we went to the back of the point on the north side and threw out some halco divers for kings. what can i say for the next 3 hours we were getting nailed one after the other all between 55cm to 65 but still a lot of fun even thought we threw them all back. We then went to Dee why wide. i caught a rock cod, as i got it to the boat i saw a shadow come past the fish. my initial thoughts were a shark but it the darted towards the rock cod and i started yelling like an idiot to my mate to grab me a jig from my bag. it was the biggest squid i have ever seen and i tell ya it was amazing to see in action. after that we headed back to the king ground we had so much success earlier and dropped the Yakkas they were got smashed. We only managed 4 keepers the best was only 75cm but what a fantastic day!! post-15340-048043500 1295334364_thumb.jpgpost-15340-041107800 1295334379_thumb.jpg

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Well done, we might have seen you there. I'll do a post later with photos but we caught Bonito, Sampson and just under legal kings, all released except for a big bonito for dinner. Only lures and a Rapala redhead the most effective. Reading some other posts we missed some bigger hits with Mahi Mahi and wahoo posted. It's all about the current

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