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How to keep nippers alive for an extended period of time


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Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone has any advice as to how to keep nippers alive for an extended period of time?. Can you keep them alive for up to 5 days through areation and changing the water every day or is this not possible?



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Hey Mate,

We usually keep ours overnight in the fridge. It slows their metabolism right down which keeps them alot fresher and usually means we dont even need to aeroate them or change the water. If keeping them for five days i think you'd be fine if you can keep the water clean, oxygenated and fairly cool.

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Hi there, it all starts from the time that you catch them, keep them cool during transportation, use a large tray , not a bucket in a cool area , keep them in about 2 inches of water, and yes do use a pump , change the water every 12 hours, and do throw away the dead ones ,

Edited by leonardgid
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an old trick is to lay a heshon sack in the bath and spread the nippes well then lay a second heshon sack over them and keep damp with salt water the wet sack stops them from moving around but it must be kept wet at all times

not to sure if they will last 5 days but it has worked for me for three days with very little kill rate no need for an airatter or changing water just keep the sacks wet

cheers gary

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Similar idea to brickman I guess - I lay sawdust wet with seawater inside damp newspaper - and wrap it up loosely. They usually stay alive 2-3 days as long as you keep it wet, though I haven't tried 5 days. There is very little contamination if a few die when compared to a tank/bucket of water. Dead ones can be used as bait anyhow - or mixed into your berley.

Also make sure the sawdust is untreated.

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