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Another Snapper sesh

Basil D

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Went out with Ali Monday in search of Snapper with a Early start, Plastics, 4 blocks of pillies, gar fish, prawns, Squid and the kitchen sink.

were we cofindent as hell and raring to go.

Got to our spot bright and early with 2r Boats (a friend of ours) and another boat pulled out almost a Boat convoy here :074:

Fished the edges of reefs and Gravel and our mate Milad Got 3 snappers and a couple of mowies Straight away but we struggled, we tried differenty spots and Technics and Burlieying but nothing was happening.

Then we got a call from Milad, his mate was throwing up all over the place :074: He had to leave us and left to take his mate home and ruined his day, what a shame and that was a very nice thing to do from milad as it was a long trip and taking time of work etc.

Me and ali stayed on and towards the afternoon we drifted from wide and then closer to the headland and thats when got our first hit, all six where caught in a 2 hour sesh in the afternoon, had we started there in the first place maybe just maybe we would have had a bag limit but it was new place we were trying out and found it late in the evening.

in the end it was a good mixed bag with a few Flatties, snapper, pinkies, naniguy red rock cods, leather jacket and a 70cm Bonnie :thumbup:

Thanks Ali again for another top day out and if its not a whole day its not a day out :yahoo:

will catch up again after my Tassie trip this weekend for my brothers Birthday, heading out with a Charter in hope of tuna, hopefully the weather is kind to us and will report it if I catch or dont catch fish :yahoo:

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Hey basil,

nice reddies - took most of the day to find them but next time I bet you'll go to that spot at first light and brain'em.

Those pigfish look unreal as well - so does the poor-man's lobster and flatties.

Quality catch there - well done...


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Once again, great catch there! :thumbup:

A few tasty meals in that lot. Looks like you got a couple of nice pigfish too.

Good on you Groper!



OK is that what they are, I was calling them pinkies :biggrin2:
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