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Yeah you should still get a few in the march and even april dark, your prime time will be about 8 days after the full moon date ( 20th march ) and then for around 12 days or so after that, say the 28th of march till the 8-9th of april.. :biggrin2:

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as a rule they do, but in the days befor bag limts we got them all year round ,as long as there is no snot weed in the water ,if you get rain early in the moon the kings will go then ,big bags on the moon and 3 days befor ,best nights with the dark has always been the first soulthy blow ,rember all prawns on the east coast try to swim to the east ,if they can do this with out any wind currents or tieds tacking them away from they swim they will end up in the most easten part of a lake or water way .this is how to get good numbers of prawns im quick time . look at you water way and read it .

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