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It takes TWO to TANGO !


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Met up with Reggie Rabbit today for a bream session in the harbour as the Georges and the Cooks are a bit discoloured.

Got to the ramp at Five Dock around 6.30 and headed straight for Iron Cove after some good reports by Mr Lee :biggrin2:

Tried a few hard bods at first without much luck so we switched to 3 inch bass minnows in the olive green and were instantly rewarded with a couple of nice bream,we had cracked what they were taking.

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After landing a decent bream from near a boat I threw straight back into the same spot and my bass minnow got smashed and line was pouring off my little C14 STRADIC with 3lb power pro braid and a 6lb nitlon leader ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...ZZZZZ ...ZZZZZ.

I was straight on the leccy as I thought it was a sizeable jewie seeing as the water was pretty discoloured and tried to guide my unseen adversary into deep water and out of harms way....NOT A CHANCE IN THE WORLD as my piscatorial friend headed straight for a 4knot marker and proceeded to wrap me all around the ropes and chains.I thought I had no chance with my line rubbing up and down the rope for nearly 30 mins so I told Stephen to grab the marker and pull it into the boat :1yikes: which he did and I started to gain a bit more line and then a miracle up came a sizeable kingy joined to my line and the rope which Stephen did a fantastic job at netting in true fishraider style....thanks mate if you werent there that fish would have surely dusted me.At 64cms it was a great fight on the light gear and one I will remember for a long time.

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We scored some nice bream on plastics and hard bods and a little snapper was a bonus on the green gord atomic grub.

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We also scored some reasonable flatties and Stephen almost had his PB blackfish on hard bods but unfortunately the hooks pulled right next to the boat(hard luck mate).

Another great day out with Stephen as always :yahoo:

Regards Stewy

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Unbelievable you had to be their,64 cm kingy on a piece of cotton and wraped around the channel marker rope.I just sat back and waited with the net in hand after 20 minute we had the leader out of the water but could not see the fish then off it went again. Stewy you should get in touch with the line maker they will give you a life time supply for your story...I am glad the maritime boat was not around when i was draging the yellow marker into the boat. :thumbup: When landed it was high fives all round photos taken then back into the water.A cup of coffee then back into it.Great day as always cant wait for our next session.

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Well done on the IC Kingie Stewy, there has been a few hanging around there this year, and also further up the system. Found some carving up bait just off Birkenhead point a couple of weeks ago. Nice effort to pull it off the marker rope mate. :thumbup:

Cheers Blood Knot

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Awesome victory there, Stewy! Most people WOULD have been dusted - but due to Reggie the Rabbit's able assistance ..... success!! :thumbup:

Congratulations to both of you, for a monumental fight - it was a team effort!! :yahoo:

Oh, and the breambos & other fish were terrific, too!!! :biggrin2:


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What a great victory Stewy :yahoo: ....that little Blood Python/CI4 outfit is capable of anything!

Would have loved to see Stephen pulling the bouy over the side of the Plycraft hahaha :074: .....with a fish tied to it....thats GOLD!!!

Well done fellas, another great days fishing.



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Wow :1yikes: That's a great catch on bream gear. I've only caught a 55cm one in over weed beds with nothing to worry about but having your 3lb braid wrapped around a marker and not get busted off is a miracle!! Well done and the kingy looks in great condition.

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